Yeedi Cube: finally a robot that knows how to talk to the Ecovacs subsidiary

The Cube is Yeedi’s latest robot vacuum. After the Mop Station and the Floor 3 Station, the subsidiary of Ecovacs therefore changes its name once again, and above all its station. That of the Cube unsurprisingly presents more salient angles, but more than its shape, we note above all that it is the first from the manufacturer to offer both automatic draining of the collector and washing of the mop. The latter can also be dried with hot air (40°C) for complete maintenance or almost. The user, in any case, is thus relieved of the most frequent maintenance tasks. The dust bag should be able to wait 60 days before being replaced, but it is still advisable to empty the used water more frequently. And that’s not all for the novelties, since the robot itself also offers several.

New station, and new mop system

Like its predecessors, and like most robots hitting the market now, the Yeedi Cube is a 2-in-1 robot. It can not only vacuum, but also wash the floor. Nothing new for the first function. The manufacturer also announces the same suction power as for the Floor 3 Station: 5100 Pa. On the other hand, to wash the floor, the new model swaps the rotating mops introduced with the Mop Station and marks the return to a single mop , as found on the Vac 2 Pro, but it is described here as “vibrating” rather than “oscillating”.

Yeedi announces more exactly 2500 vibrations per minute, almost as much as Roborock with its VibraRise system. As with the latter, by the way, the mop can be raised to avoid wetting the carpets. It is then maintained at 8 mm above the ground. The manufacturer adds that it can also be tilted by 8° to follow uneven surfaces when it is against the ground.

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A handle to move it around the house

Another novelty, unprecedented on the market this time, the Yeedi Cube incorporates a handle on the top. This must allow the robot to be easily moved around the house, to change floors for example. Yeedi also hints at the ability to move it around to clean small areas, using the built-in controls. We can thus imagine throwing it around the dining table so that it picks up bread crumbs after breakfast, for example. It is of course also possible to define an area to be cleaned on the map of the house from the mobile application, but you don’t always want to go through your smartphone.

Yeedi also mentions the approximation with which certain robots locate themselves… Let’s hope that he does not speak for his own. The Cube, in any case, integrates a ceiling-facing camera as well as lasers on the front to map the house and detect obstacles, “even low on the floors“, adds the manufacturer. It is finally announced with an autonomy of 180 minutes.

The Yeedi Cube will be available from September 1 at the recommended retail price of €699, making it one of the cheapest on the market for such services. Thanks to a coupon available for € 1.99 on the official website, it will even be possible to take advantage of a discount of € 154 for its launch on Amazon. So let’s hope he keeps all his promises, which we should be able to verify fairly quickly since he has already arrived at the editorial office.

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