Yeliz Koc: The Ochsenknechts are “excluded” from their daughter’s birthday

The celebrity news of the day in the GALA ticker: Yeliz Koc sends a clear message to the Ochsenknechts +++ Daniela Büchner’s daughter Jada enchants with (almost) perfect naturalness +++ Daniela Katzenberger had a relationship with a fan.

The celebrity news of the day in the GALA ticker

June 29, 2022

Yeliz Koc: “The rest is excluded”

Yeliz Koc, 28, and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, 29, only have one thing in common after their separation: their daughter Snow Elanie. The little one saw the light of day in October last year and is the be-all and end-all of the former “Bachelor” candidate. Jimi’s relationship with his daughter, on the other hand, hardly exists, claims Yeliz. A circumstance that gives them cause for concern. “I’m afraid that at some point she’ll come to me and say: ‘Everyone says they have a dad, do I have one too?'” she admits in the joint podcast “Bad Boss Moms” with her sister Filiz Koc Rose. 35. The influencer is already wondering how she should deal with such a situation in the future. “What do I do then? Or do I say that everyone is papa?”

But apparently little Snow could not only lack a father figure. The relationship between Yeliz and the child’s father’s family still seems to be broken, as she currently makes clear in her Instagram story. When asked by a fan if it was okay for her if the Ochsenknechts visited Snow for his birthday, the 28-year-old found clear words: “Your father will definitely get an invitation, he can bring a friend, his girlfriend or Wilson . The rest is excluded.”

In her Instagram story, Yeliz Koc reports on the current relationship with the Ochsenknecht family.


Daniela Büchner: “Dream Woman” – fans celebrate daughter Jada’s naturalness

She actually avoids the limelight: Jada Karabas, 18, apparently does not have the ambition to follow in the footsteps of her mother Daniela Büchner, 44, and conquer the reality TV world. While her sister Joelina, 23, has been in front of the camera several times and has taken part in formats such as “Shopping Queen”, the teenager is still going to school and only lets the fans of the “Goodbye Germany” emigrant family participate in her private life in small doses via Instagram . However, a new video suggests that the young woman is now much more confident about her fame.

Unusually seductively, Jada only stages her face to the song “Big Seen” by Beware. She only “pretties up” her cosmetic-free face with a subtle freckle filter. Her followers are enthusiastic and shower the student with compliments. “Incredibly beautiful,” a female fan celebrates the almost pure selfie video without envy. “You have your mom’s smile,” notes another user. “Model career? Check!” predicts a male supporter of the Büchner daughter. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see Jada more prominently in the spotlight. The next season of “Germany’s Next Top Model” is already in the starting blocks.

June 28, 2022

Daniela Katzenberger: She met her ex at an autograph session

She wears her heart on her sleeve! Daniela Katzenberger, 35, chats in the latest edition of her joint podcast with husband Lucas Cordalis, 54, about long-gone romances. Apparently, the Ludwigshafenerin has often experienced bitter bankruptcies – and that was sometimes related to her increasing level of awareness. “The biggest problem with my ex-relationships was that they went to bed with Katzenberger and woke up with Daniela,” she explains in the new episode of her marital audio project “Katze & Cordalis”.

Nevertheless, there was one that apparently lasted a little longer. “I’ve dated a fan before,” said the reality TV star. Daniela met her admirer at an autograph session. “In retrospect, I have the feeling that he was totally disappointed,” she admits to her current husband. The “real” Daniela Katzenberger, who often had no make-up at home, let him run away very quickly. Lucky, as she knows today: With Lucas and their daughter Sophia, 6, she has now won her most loyal fans. And she probably won’t lose it anytime soon.

Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht enjoys the privileges of being an uncle

Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, 32, doesn’t want to be a dad himself at the moment, but he’s the perfect uncle for that, as he tells “Bunte”. Sister Cheyenne Ochsenknecht, 21, has had her daughter Mavie since March 2021, and in the same year brother Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, 30, became the father of daughter Snow Elanie for the first time. Now Wilson enjoys the advantages of being an uncle and he shamelessly puts it in a nutshell: “The great thing is, I only have the children when they are doing well – and give them away when they are doing badly.” Still, Wilson insists on being a good uncle — at least when it comes to gifts: “What I enjoy the most is actually going to the toy store and buying them gifts. Because you can always find the right thing.”

It’s possible that niece Mavie gets one or the other present more than little Snow Elanie. As Jimi’s ex Yeliz Koc, 28, announced, Jimi should only see his daughter very rarely due to public disputes. Probably the same goes for Uncle Wilson.

June 27, 2022

Eva Benetatou shares family picture with ex Chris Broy for son George’s first birthday

Is this photo the proof of reconciliation? Eva Benetatou, 30, and Chris Broy, 33, quarreled for months, sometimes more, sometimes less publicly. Mostly it was about their son George, before whose birth the couple had already separated. While Eva decided to show George’s face in public, Chris was against it.

On their son’s first birthday, the two apparently got together and made a compromise, because Eva proudly posted several photos from the party, including a threesome with ex Chris. “So later, as a reminder, he will also have an honestly happy photo of mom and dad together, with a whole hearted smile. Because when it comes to you, everything else is just secondary at this moment [sic]”, wrote Eva to the snapshot, on which both George and his parents are beaming.

Eva Benetatou and Chris Broy celebrate George's first birthday

Eva Benetatou and Chris Broy celebrate George’s first birthday


Eva’s statement makes it clear that there is currently peace between her and Chris, but there still seem to be disagreements.

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Source used:, Bunte

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