Yellow rhinitis: what to do? |

Yellow runny nose can be harmless, but it can also be a sign of serious illness. You can find out when yellow phlegm is cause for concern and what helps here.

What is yellow runny nose?

As well as green runny nose yellow rhinitis is a variant of acute rhinitis. It usually arises from an infestation with viruses and ensures that more secretion is formed in the nose and sinuses, which then drains away – this is why it is also known as runny nose.

There are a multitude of different types of cold, but regardless of whether it is a flowing cold or a stick cold, if you look into your handkerchief you will see yellow mucus and many cold patients are concerned. But should you be worried about yellow nasal secretions? Find out more about a runny nose, your nasal mucosa, symptoms, what you can do about it, and when to see a doctor.

How does a runny nose develop?

  1. Rhinoviruses, in German Cold viruses get into the nose, attach themselves to the nasal mucosa and multiply there.
  2. As soon as the immune system recognizes the viruses as intruders, it sends defense cells into the nose via the blood. The blood vessels swell, the Nasal mucous membranes produce more nasal secretions.
  3. Now the patient feels symptoms. Of the Cold starts, the nose runny, initially mostly as Runny nose, and the person concerned feels a strong urge to sneeze.
  4. In the course of the cold, the secretion becomes more and more viscous, so that the solid mucus can no longer be transported well by the nasal hairs. The result: a stuffy nose, so-called Common cold, and difficult nasal breathing.

Yellow runny nose: why is the secretion yellow?

A common runny nose accompanying a cold, which doctors call rhinitis, typically runs in phases. While the secretion is whitish and quite fluid at the beginning, it becomes thicker and yellow as the disease progresses.

What causes the nasal mucus to change its color has not yet been clearly clarified from a medical point of view. It is believed that dead immune cells and other waste products of the immune system play a rolethat are disposed of through the secretion from the nose.

In addition to the viruses that cause a cold, bacteria may or may not be involved. While it used to be assumed that yellowish mucus was a clear sign of an additional bacterial infection, we now know that the yellowish coloration is not the same Secondary infection or superinfection must show.

Yellow runny nose: possible complications

Scientists did not always find bacteria in yellow nasal secretions, but they tended to find bacteria more often than in white mucus. Accordingly, the yellow color of the secretion in rhinitis is by no means a cause for panic, but caution is advised. Yellowish mucus, if it is full of bacteria, can trigger the following diseases:

  • Sinus infection: If the nasal mucous membrane is affected by a bacterial superinfection, the infection can spread to the paranasal sinuses and trigger a sinus infection there.
  • sinusitis: If the bacterial infection has made it into the frontal sinuses, it can cause painful inflammation there.
  • bronchitis: In bronchitis, the secondary infection has spread to the airways. Signs of this infection are green-yellowish sputum when coughing, fever and difficult breathing.
  • lung infection: The stubborn bacterial pathogens can make it to the lungs and cause pneumonia there.

Yellow rhinitis: what helps?

  • To avoid secondary infection, it is especially important to have the To make the nasal mucous membrane swellso that pathogens do not get into the sinuses. The active ingredient xylometazoline, which is commercially available, is suitable for this purpose Nasal sprays or nose drops.
  • When your body is weakened by a cold, it needs a lot of energy to fight the pathogens. Take a rest, cure your cold and take your time to get well.
  • Nasal douches with salt water remove nasal mucus, make it easier for you to breathe through the nose and reduce the urge to sneeze.
  • Steam baths with chamomile or eucalyptus are a tried and tested home remedy for colds. They clear the head, soothe the nasal mucous membranes and promote the drainage of the nasal mucus.

We reveal even more home remedies for colds here.

Yellow runny nose: when is it advisable to see a doctor?

Usually has rhinitis if you have a common cold, it will take care of itself after eight to ten days. If you still complain of symptoms after this period or if your runny nose has worsened, you should consult a doctor. He can differentiate between different types of cold, carry out an examination of your nasal secretions and determine whether your cold is possibly allergic in nature.

It is also advisable to see a doctor if you suffer from the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the eyes and forehead area
  • Purulent smell of the nasal secretions
  • Earache
  • Acute shortness of breath
  • Strong headache

You can also find out from us if you have a dry, tickly cough, painful coughing or chills. We'll also reveal the best sinus infection home remedies as well as great sinus infection home remedies.

Video tip: The best recipe for a cold – chicken soup!

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