Yes, ChatGPT has already authored (or co-authored) many books on the Kindle Store

Mathilde Rochefort

February 22, 2023 at 2:35 p.m.


ChatGPT © Iryna Imago /

© Iryna Imago / Shutterstock

It didn’t take long… The Kindle Store already has more than 200 books written or co-authored by ChatGPTthe conversational artificial intelligence of OpenAI.

Launched a little over two months ago, ChatGPT is able to converse in the same way as a human, but also to write poems or tell stories when given a predefined theme.

Only a few hours of work »

The chatbot offers new opportunities and possibilities in new industries, whether good or bad. In mid-February, 200 books with ChatGPT appearing as author or co-author were offered on Amazon’s Kindle Store. Among them is a 30-page children’s book co-authored by Brett Schickler.

Sammy the Squirrel tells the story of a little squirrel who learns from his friends in the forest how to save money after coming across a gold coin. Schickler generated the text using ChatGPT, through a simple seed request asking him to ” write a story about a father who teaches his son financial education “. He entrusted to Reuters that thanks to AI, writing a book finally seemed possible “. His work was also illustrated by a generative AI, that is to say capable of generating texts or images in a few seconds.

Sammy the Squirrel only required a few hours of work from Brett Schickler, from its creation to its publication online.

Plagiarism, scams… do we have anything to worry about?

This is something we really have to worry about, these books are going to flood the market, and a lot of authors are going to be out of work. There needs to be transparency from authors and platforms about how these books are created, or you’re going to end up with a lot of shoddy books. “, worries Mary Rasenberger, executive director of the Authors Guild, an organization that defends the rights of American writers.

Due to the nature of ChatGPT, in addition to the fact that many authors do not disclose that they have used it, it is nearly impossible to get a full count of the number of eBooks that might be written by the AI. It is possible that there are already many more on the Kindle store. In this sense, the platform Clarkesworld Magazinewhich publishes science fiction stories, has temporarily halted short story submissions after receiving a flood of texts believed to have been generated by AI.

This trend also raises important copyright issues, like art-generating AIs like Midjourney or DALL-E 2. Conversational AIs are indeed trained on text from the Internet and, therefore, written by humans. They may copy the style of a particular author or pick up the plot of a story that has already been published.




  • Chat in different languages, including French
  • Generate, translate and get a text summary
  • Generate, optimize and correct code

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational agent based on the GPT-3 language model. This chat platform uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to understand and interpret user queries, then generate relevant responses.

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational agent based on the GPT-3 language model. This chat platform uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to understand and interpret user queries, then generate relevant responses.

Sources: Reuters, Engadget

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