Yoga Book: Five Instructional Books for Yoga Fans

yoga book
The best books for yoga fans

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Are you looking for a yoga book? In our list you will find suitable books for both beginners and yoga professionals.

Finding a suitable yoga book is not easy at all, because there are hundreds of books on yoga practice. We will help you to find the right yoga book for you and, in addition to the great yoga classics, we have also included helpful practice books for beginners and popular bestsellers in our list.

Samira Eger: Yoga for beginners

“Yoga for Beginners”by Samira Eger is suitable for both inexperienced and experienced yogis. In the book, the author gives an overview of the history of yoga and different yoga styles. She also shows the most important sitting postures, pranayamas (breathing exercises) and asanas (postures). From these you can either put together your own yoga program or follow the workout suggestions at the end of the book. Finally, there are also a number of nice recipe ideas.

Anna Trökes: The Great Yoga Book

“The Great Yoga Book” by the renowned yoga teacher Anna Trökes is a true classic and a must-have for all those who are more intensively involved with yoga. The work offers a comprehensive insight from the history and philosophy of yoga to the basics of practice to individual (demanding) asanas, pranayamas, movement sequences and meditations. In the new edition from 2019, information on the subject of nutrition, breathing and fascia training has been added in addition to the exercises.

Yoga – The big practice book for beginners and advanced

You can’t go wrong with this bestseller: In “Yoga – The great practice book for beginners and advanced” you will find over 120 asanas with photos and detailed descriptions, including easier variations for beginners and more difficult variations for advanced users. The book also provides a good overview of the history and philosophy of yoga as well as the elementary breathing and meditation techniques.

Leslie Kaminoff: Yoga Anatomy

If you want to learn more about what happens in the body during the various yoga exercises, the book is for you “Yoga Anatomy” well advised by Leslie Kaminoff. In this book, the recognized yoga expert summarizes which organs, muscle groups and joints are affected by the individual asanas. The most important exercises and their effect are supplemented by detailed illustrations.

The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

The “Yogasutra of Patanjali” is probably the most important classic of yoga and forms the basis for all modern yoga teachings. The 2000-year-old text consists of 195 verses and offers recommendations for a happy and free life. R. Sriram studied the text for many years and translated it into German. The book is a must for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the ancient Indian teachings.

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