Yomoni launches a brand new, more diversified PER

A brand new PER is available from Yomoni since Monday, October 9. Retraite+ is an insurance PER that offers more diversification than its predecessor. In addition to ETFs, Retraite+ allows savers to invest in real estate and unlisted assets. Presentation.

This Monday, October 9, Yomoni is launching a new insurance retirement savings plan, the PER Retirement+.

The banking PER is a very good offer but there is a strong demand for the insurance PER, for several reasons and in particular the presence of a fund in euros to secure your investments as you approach retirement, explains Sbastien d’Ornano , executive president of Yomoni.

Indeed, unlike bank PERs (also called PER securities accounts), insurance retirement savings plans have a fund in euros.

Optional retirement horizon management

For this new product, Yomoni has declined two distinct pilot management mandates: the first 100% ETFs and the second, a multi-asset mandate.

The heart of our know-how is index management. We therefore find it particularly interesting for very long-term savings to have satellites which further improve the risk-return couple. This is why we chose to offer the cost of the mandate 100% ETFs, a multi-asset mandate with obviously index management but also real estate and unlisted assets, specifies Sbastien d’Ornano.

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The real estate investment is made via the Socit Civile (SC) Y Immo, labeled ISR and already available in the Yomoni Vie life insurance contract. This civil society is divided into two components: a cash pocket (5%) and real estate assets (95%). In the latter, investments are made directly or via a selection of SCPIs (all ISR labeled). As for unlisted assets, investors will invest in the private equity fund FCPR APAX, labeled Relance.

Relance labeled funds invest in the equity of French companies (SMEs and ETIs) costs or not.

We wanted to keep costs very low, recalls the executive president. The PER Retraite+ is offered without no entry fees and a maximum fee of 2.2% per year on the units of account excluding fund fees in euros and FCPR performance commission.

The New Generation euro fund is insured by Spirica, a subsidiary of Crdit Agricole. In 2022 he offered a yield of 2.30%.

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Furthermore, the saver has the possibility of choosing, for each of the mandates offered, retirement horizon management. But this desensitization option can be deactivated with a simple click when subscribing.

Retirement horizon management allows you to reduce your share of risk over the years, until you repatriate the majority of assets to risk-free funds as you approach retirement. By deactivating this option, the saver keeps the same share of risk until retirement, without securing their investments.

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