Congratulations! You are expecting a baby. All you have to do is tell your dad or second mom. Whether it's your first child or your fourth, don't hesitate to throw them a cute surprise to share the news. We give you some ideas.
For a few days now, your breasts have been swollen, you feel nauseous and more tired than usual. If in doubt, you have taken a pregnancy test and… it is positive! Congratulations, you are pregnant. You receive the news with great emotion but very quickly you wonder how to tell it to your other half. If it is an unexpected pregnancy or if you haven't told him or her about your first symptoms, he or she still has no idea. Maybe this is a good opportunity to prepare a nice surprise for her and see her reaction (rather than just texting her)! Especially if this is your first child. There are lots of fun ways to tell your dad or second mom about your pregnancy before your tummy rounds. Slippers, letter, card or even a photo of the ultrasound, a t-shirt … discover our selection of the best ideas for announcing this happy news.
When to announce your pregnancy
It all depends on your relationship and your common parenting plan. But whether it's planned or not, it's important to tell the other parent early enough, so that he or she can prepare to become a mom / dad as well. He is indeed the first interested in this future baby! Avoid making him / her wait too long: this baby is a nice gift for both parents. Regarding those around you (granny, mom, dad, etc.) you can still wait to make the announcement. In general, experts recommend waiting until the 12th week of pregnancy.
Discover 10 original ideas
1 / A letter full of love
Announcing a pregnancy can also be an opportunity to (re) declare your love to your other half. Write a letter to dad or second mom with your fondest memories. At the end, surprise him by telling him that you are going to embark on a new adventure together. Emotions guaranteed.
2 / Baby items
Take a trip to a baby store and select a bodysuit, slippers or even a small infant t-shirt (no matter the size, you can always use it later). Hide it all in a box and give it to him at a candlelit dinner. If he / she thinks of a gift first, he / she will quickly realize that he / she is about to become a mom / dad! Even better so that he / she does not suspect a thing, schedule the delivery of this box.
3 / Baby booties
This idea is not very original but it has the gift of being effective. For breakfast, offer him baby booties! No doubt he or she will melt directly by throwing little toes into these slippers.
4 / A charade
Make up a charade to make her understand the message and guess your pregnancy. This is a fun way for the expectant mother or mother-to-be to find out that you are pregnant!
5 / Personalized cards
Why not send her a card in the mail telling her that you are pregnant? Surprise is guaranteed. Feel free to personalize it so that it is unique. If you've already had an ultrasound, you can even drag the photo in there. Regarding the message, you can either play guessing games or be direct!
6 / A treasure hunt
Place clues in every corner of your love nest to plan a scavenger hunt. It could be messages or baby items. The final clue will be your pregnancy test. It's hard not to understand that you're about to become a mom / dad. Most ? It will amuse your man, or your wife!
7 / The photo booth
If you're outdoors, pretend you have to take a ID photo to slip inside a photo booth. When taking your photo, arm yourself with a baby accessory, such as a rattle or pacifier. Then ask the future dad or the future mom to collect your photo… and surprise! He or she will find out about your pregnancy.
8 / A nice drawing
If you are an artist, why not draw her a drawing? You can draw yourself with an apparent baby bump alongside your other half. Or outright, with a baby in her arms. It will be a nice souvenir to keep after the birth of your child.
9 / Ask your eldest for help!
If you are already a mom, you can tell your elder (s)! Ask him / her to either draw a picture, a card or write a nice message to their mom / dad to announce the pregnancy! Enough to involve the whole family.
10 / A unique slideshow
Much like a letter, make a slideshow with your best memories together. At the end, slip in the image of your first ultrasound, a photo of your pregnancy test, or a picture of you with a baby. If he / she has followed everything correctly, he / she will understand straight away!
And then ?
Once the mom-to-be or mom-to-be knows about your pregnancy, all you have to do is get ready for the baby's arrival. When you've found out about sex (which too, can be revealed with a surprise or at a small party) you still need to agree on a name – this may be the hardest part.
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