“You are the love of my life”: Death of Thierry Mugler, his last companion pays tribute to him

Sunday January 23, Thierry Mugler died, announced his agent to AFP. The 73-year-old designer has passed away”unexpectedly” he announced, in shock. The fashion world mourns his disappearance, as do his friends and his last companion, who quickly paid tribute to him.

It is on his Instagram account that Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz, the last known companion of Thierry Mugler, took the floor. He posted two photos of himself and the late designer. “You will always be present in my heart. The one and only love of my life. I will never stop loving you, you are the love of my life“, he commented in the caption. The couple led a discreet life, far from the worldliness of show business but appeared on a few occasions on social networks. Thus, last December, we could see that Thierry Mugler and his companion were on a trip to Poland. A few months earlier, in September precisely, the designer was posing with Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz on the photo call of the retrospective exhibition dedicated to him, Couturissime, presented at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris.

Thierry Mugler, who had undergone a physical transformation in recent years, had briefly had the opportunity to discuss his love affair with Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz, a visual artist based in Berlin, Germany. Interviewed by the magazine Male Number, in 2017, the couturier declared: “I have a hell of a person. Complete, free, realised, sublime. We’ve been together for three years.“Since his retirement from the world of fashion in 2002, Thierry Mugler had for his part invested in several artistic fields. He had notably launched the Mugler Follies, in Paris.

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