You are using the technique of the “sick lady”, a new scam that affects the elderly

Yet another scam awaits the day, especially in France. After calls from insistent people and fraudulent emails demanding money, these times the scammers attack the victims directly using the technique of the “sick lady”. A strategy that targets older people.

With the new digital technologies, the scams don’t make it bigger. The victims have received messages distant from the Social security which gives rise to reimbursements, appeals from companies claiming compensation or even fraudulent techniques using energy vouchers. But since a few weeks, another strategy has been put in place to recover the euro.

In effect, since March 2024, there has been an explosion in the number of scams, especially among older people. And contrary to the procedures mentioned above, this new technique is made directly, face to face with the victim. A man in Spain, in Valencia, even managed to carry money to 26 people. However, there are solutions to detect and avoid having to the famous “sick friend”.

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What is the “sick neighbor”?

First of all, it is important to know the strategy of the “sick neighbor”. This way of doing things for older people is quite surprising. To do this, fraudsters sneak into a building and keep an eye on the residents. Then, when a victim will choose, the swindler will address her. He would have to pass for the family of a friend who would soon be very ill. It’s that everything will be played.

The victim will then ask the elderly person for money so that he can keep his distance. To amuse himself, he will use his emotions. Vont’s sad and bouleversants therefore intervene in the conversation. A means for the scammers to touch the victim and push him to take part in the attack of his “sick girlfriend”. A technique that attacks the sentiments of the inhabitants.

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Signs of scams can alert

Unfortunately, a great deal of older people has to do with the technique of the “sick neighbor” and losing a lot of money. No sooner said than done of signs that can alert us and we don’t allow anything to fall into the piggy bank. First of all, pressure and maneuvering stories are the first approaches to tampering that can be detected. Requests for private details also arise from fraudulent strategies. If the discussion turns in this sense, it is quite bad news.

To avoid being fooled by this new scam, do not hesitate to communicate with your friends. This way, you can easily repeat the fraudster’s fake stories. Verify, in particular, the identity of the person in front of you. And indeed, do not trust the papers that you can see. These are definitely false. Finally, avoid visiting places you don’t know about. If a dispute persists, call the police.

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