“You fight to fit into this world.”


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Lizoo May has albinism. She uses TikTok to raise awareness and change the way others view this rare genetic disease. Very complexed as a child, she knew how to transform her difference into real strength. She talks about her journey and exposes herself through a chit chat (de)make up.

Like Lizoo May, 6,000 people have albinism in France. A rare genetic and hereditary disease, it results in hypopigmentation of the skin, hair, hair and pigmented structures of the eye. Its name comes from the Latin “albus” which means white.
Particularities that require Lizoo May to adapt to everyday life but above all to make her albinism a strength, which has not always been obvious. When she was younger, she admits that she did not immediately succeed in having her uniqueness accepted: “In fact I knew what I was worth but I couldn’t manage to make it look positive in front of everyone”. But little by little, supported by her family, she manages to accept herself completely and today, she affirms it: “I could not have been what I am if I had not been albino.”

Albinism, a rare genetic disease

Several types of albinism exist and the consequences are multiple. Those who have it mostly suffer from low vision and an involuntary rolling movement of the eyes, otherwise known as nystagmus. For her part, Lizoo May confides that she does not have “the ability to see beyond a meter” and that she has developed tricks to overcome her handicap. For example: “For public transport I take a picture of the billboard and zoom in,” she admits.
As for the skin, hair and eyes, they may be partially or totally hypopigmented. Often the skin takes on a waxy white color, the hair, body hair and eyebrows are white or reddish. For all these reasons, albinos are particularly sensitive to light and the sun, which can cause them painful eye or skin manifestations.
But according to Lizoo May, the main thing is to talk about it around you and not listen to criticism, which can be violent and numerous. The one who certifies that she is “not at all ashamed” of herself also encourages others to take responsibility.

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