You have carried out an ECD or are carrying out energy renovation work: tell us!

For an article to be published soon on MoneyVox, we are looking for testimonials from people who have carried out an ECD or are embarking on energy renovation work.

Owners, are you familiar with the DPE, the energy performance diagnosis? As a reminder, if you want to put your home up for sale and it is classified F or G at the DPE, you are obliged to since April 1, 2023, to carry out an energy audit before the sale and present it at the first visit to the property.

This audit, valid for 5 years, will then become mandatory on January 1, 2025 for class E properties, and on January 1, 2034 for class D housing.

However, the DPE still raises many questions, as the system for assigning the letter can sometimes seem opaque and vary from one listener to another. A recent Senate report also recommends a reform of the method of calculating the DPE.

For a file on the subject, the MoneyVox editorial team is therefore looking for testimonials from owners around the DPE.

– If you have had to carry out an ECD as part of a future sale, do you have confidence in the reliability of the ECD?

– If you plan to buy a home, is the ECD score very important to you? After buying your home, do you expect carry out the work proposed by the energy audit?

– You want to carry out energy renovation work, but do you find it difficult to know what are the different aids available?

If you want to share your experience, you can reach us at the following address: [email protected].

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