“You know how to look the truth in the face”: Florent Pagny facing cancer, a colleague supports him

Since the announcement of his illness, many artists have shown their affection for Florent Pagny. Marc Lavoine, in particular, explained that they called each other every day. The two men, friends for more than 40 years, have also shared the stage dozens of times. Pascal Obispo also wanted to encourage him.

The only thing I can wish is that Florent is well, that everything goes well for his exams, his chemotherapy“, reports the newspaper The Marseillaise. Line Renaud, too, encouraged the singer to seek treatment as soon as possible. He has not yet reacted, surely focused on the various stages which will allow, we hope, his rapid recovery.

Florent Pagny, 60, would have received this difficult news after a routine pre-tour check. This, several times postponed by the pandemic, was canceled, an understandable decision. He is supported by his wife Azucena, who has shared his life for almost 30 years, and his two children Inca and Aël, 25 and 22 years old.

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