“You left me in the hole while fleeing”: open war between Paul Pogba and his brother Mathias, what we know

The fratricidal war between the brothers Paul and Mathias Pogba has erupted in the eyes of all since the publication of a video on Tik Tok, which has led to numerous revelations. Closer gives you a summary of the situation so far.

Within the Pogba family, relations between the two brothers Mathias and Paul have deteriorated a lot. As a reminder, the three members of the Pogba family (Paul, Mathias and Florentin, editor’s note), all professional footballers, got along wonderfully. However, it would seem that all of that is now a thing of the past, especially when it comes to Paul and Mathias. If the relations between the two brothers have not been in good shape for some time now, this family affair recently burst into full view on social media.

Indeed, it all started on Saturday August 27, 2022. On that day, a video was published by Mathias Pogba on his Tik Tok account, before quickly making the buzz with Internet users. In it, the football player said, text in hand: “I’m Paul Pogba’s big brother, currently playing at Juventus Turin after a disappointing spell at Manchester United”. Afterwards, he promised to make explosive revelations about Paul Pogba, as well as about his lawyer Rafaela Pimentabut also on the player of Paris Saint-Germain, Kylian Mbappé, teammate of Paul Pogba in the France team.

Paul Pogba victim of an extortion attempt

According to Mathias Pogba, “the whole world” must “know certain things” about the one who became football world champion with the Blues in 2018. Sunday August 28, 2022, it was the turn of Paul Pogba’s lawyers to speak, reacting to the words of Mathias Pogba. The legal representatives of the player, recently transferred from Manchester United to Juventus of Turin, affirmed, through a statement sent to theAFPthat “Mathias Pogba’s statements on social networks are unfortunately not a surprise”, since they “in addition to threats and extortion attempts by an organized gang”.

In fact, according to the information disclosed by franceinfo Sunday August 28, 2022, an investigation has been opened in France for “organized extortion attempts” on the person of Paul Pogba, since the beginning of August 2022. For his part, the tricolor midfielder confided in the investigators of the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime on several occasions. In details, Paul Pogba has revealed he was tricked by childhood friends. The player explained that two hooded men, armed with assault rifles, claimed no less than 13 million from him when he visited his family in Seine-et-Marne, in March 2022.

Paul Pogba claims to have recognized his brother Mathias among his blackmailers

The blackmailers feel that this money is rightfully theirs for “service rendered”, because they would have ensured, according to them, the protection of Paul Pogba for 13 long years. The former Manchester United star, who was once the most expensive player in football history, also claims to have been bullied on several occasions. The facts took place for the first time in Manchester in April 2022, then a second time in July 2022, when he was at the Juventus training center in Turin in Italy. Among the suspects, Paul Pogba allegedly claimed during his various hearings before the police to have recognized his brother, Mathias Pogba.

The one who had been transferred from Juventus of Turin to Manchester United in 2016, for a record amount of 105 million euros, would also have explained to investigators that he had a good relationship with his childhood friends, and “that he had never hesitated to help them financially when they were in need”. However, the football player also indicated that he had found himself obliged to exclude from his home a friend whom he hosted when he still lived in Manchester. In fact, Paul Pogba justified this expulsion by revealing that the friend in question had used his credit card to steal the sum of 200,000 euros.

Paul Pogba case: his brother Mathias shoots him down on Twitter

Following the publication by franceinfo of the various details of Paul Pogba’s hearings in front of the police, Mathias Pogba reacted on his Twitter account. “Hahahaha, what I expected happened: my little brother who is finally starting has shown his true face. Since it was he who started talking to lie to the police and who brings out the info, you can’t blame me“, he first wrote. “Paul, you really wanted to shut me up and lie and send me to jailI suspected it now it’s proven, my version of the facts happens and unlike you, I have enough to prove my words and your lies. I’ll tell you again: brother, manipulating people is not good!“, also added Mathias Pogba, who did not stop there.

It’s not about the money: You implicated me in spite of myself, I almost died because of you, you left me in the hole while fleeing and you want to play the innocent, when everything is said people will see that there is no more coward, more traitor and more hypocrite than you on this earth“, continued the brother of Paul Pogba, before speaking directly to Kylian Mbappé.Kylian, now do you understand? I have nothing negative against you, my words are for your good, everything is true and proven, the marabou is known! Sorry about this brother, a so-called muslim into witchcraft, it is never good to have a hypocrite and a traitor near you!“, finally concluded Mathias Pogba.

Trained at Manchester United, Paul Pogba joined Juventus Turin for free in 2012, when the Macunian club decided not to extend his contract. Bad pick for the Red Devils, given that the French midfielder exploded during his time at the legendary Italian club, winning numerous trophies. Having become one of the best players in the world of football, he returned to Machester United in 2016. The first player in history whose transfer exceeded 100 million euros, Paul Pogba never managed to find his best level in England. Finally, in order to relaunch his career as the 2022 World Cup in Qatar approaches, the player left Manchester United free before returning to Juventus in Turin.

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