you only have a few days left to make changes to your declaration

Since August 2023, the 2023 tax notices on 2022 income have been available. Those who have opted for an online declaration have access to the electronic rectification service, which allows modifications to be made, in the event of an oversight or error, for example. A device still open to individuals for a few hours. Explanations.

The income tax declaration has always been a source of anxiety for many households. And for good reason, there are numerous situations that could lead to an error when completing this tax return. In certain cases, the lack of time available to carry out this civic duty can push certain individuals to make mistakes in their tax notice.

For others, the change of professional situation, which is accompanied in certain cases by a change of status – for example with an employee becoming a business manager after having launched his activity – can lead to making errors when the time comes. time to complete your income tax return. The good news is that Tax Administration is rather lenient towards those administered. Fault confessed is half redressed ? An adage on which Bercy seems to rely, the administration proposing for several months a tele-rectification service for 2023 tax notices on 2022 income.

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2023 tax notice: watch out for omissions

Since August 2023, the date of publication of the first tax notices, individuals who have opted for the online declaration service have been able to review their copy. Indeed, thanks to the rectification service, everyone is free to consult the elements provided in their income tax return in order to ensure that it is completed in due form. If necessary, it is entirely possible to make modifications to correct the situation.

“You forgot to report a donation made to an association (giving you the right to a tax advantage), to request a reduction linked to your child’s education, or on the contrary, you forgot to declare an amount that you received. .. you have the possibility to correct your declaration online, after receiving your tax notice”we specify on the site of the government. A system open to all online declarants since August 2, 2023 and until December 6, 2023 at 00:00.

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In other words, citizens still have a few hours to ensure that their 2023 tax return on 2022 income is complete and compliant. You must access your particular online space on the tax website then click on the tab “Access the online correction”, in order to make corrections, before validating a new opinion. Once December 6, 2023 has passed, recourse to modify your declaration is possible but much more complex.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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