you should wash this dirtiest space in the house every day


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Toilets, bathrooms, garbage cans… the house is full of places where bacteria can proliferate. However, the kitchen is the most exposed room, especially because of the sink.

When cleaning, many people forget to clean certain places, thinking that they are naturally clean. It is in particular the case of the kitchen, and its sink, which are regularly serviced after preparing meals and doing the dishes. However, the sink is the place in the house where the proliferation of bacteria is most favorable. The reason ? It’s full of food scraps and can allow water to stagnate. Indeed, the magazine Futura-Sciences relayed a study carried out by the NSF, the American public health and safety organization, which looked at the presence of bacteria in 22 homes. Scientists have surprisingly noticed that coliform bacteria, bacteria including Escherichia coli and Salmonella, are often present in the sink. This is why it is essential to regularly disinfect this surface.

To do this, the most effective technique is to use baking soda. Simply apply the solution in the sink and scrub with a damp sponge. Indeed, this household product, often used to strip many surfaces, removes encrusted stains and fights bad odors. But that’s not all ! The sink can also be disinfected using white vinegar. In addition to cleaning and deodorizing the surface, it also removes scale and limescale. To apply it optimally, just mix 200 ml of white vinegar and 600 ml of water with a tablespoon of liquid black soap. All that remains is to spray the surface to be cleaned, without forgetting the tap, to let it act for a few minutes and finally to rub with a damp sponge.

Household: how to clean a stainless steel sink?

But beware ! Many fireplaces are equipped with a stainless steel sink. To clean it, it is important to adapt the products used. Here it is advisable to use dish soap and hot water while rubbing with a dedicated sponge. And if stains persist, you can scour the surface with the side of a sponge and white vinegar mixed with hot water. Here you can now cook and do the dishes in peace!

Pop culture journalist

Captivated by the digital world, Tanguy is keen on pop culture. He spends his time on social networks, in front of series and video games in search…

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