you will be able to make your events even more visible thanks to this new functionality

WhatsApp is developing a new feature that will allow organizers to set cover photos for events in community groups. Currently in beta phase, this option aims to make them more recognizable and visually appealing.

WhatsApp photo groups
Source: 123rf

WhatsApp recently changed its look on iOS and Android and, at the same time, brought several new functions. Last month, a beta update introduced a new interface for statuses and a vertical list for recommended channels that gets closer to Instagram. These changes make previewing easier and navigation more efficient. But it doesn’t stop there, the messaging service is also testing an AI image generator.

WhatsApp is now working on a new feature for its community groups. The latter will allow group administrators to set cover photos for upcoming events. This option is currently in development and has been spotted in the beta version of the application on Android.

Whatsapp introduces cover photos for events in community groups

This new functionality which brings cover photos for events is designed to make them more visible and attractive in community groups. The organizers will be able to choose a representative visual which will facilitate its recognition and management by the members of the group.

For example, a group of developers could use a photo from their last conference to promote an upcoming hackathon. This will allow participants to easily identify the event and prepare accordingly.

This improvement is particularly useful for quickly distinguish the different scheduled events. It is important to note that only group administrators will be able to set these cover photos.

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This feature is in addition to other tools that WhatsApp has recently developed for community groups, like event reminders. Although she is still in development phase and is not yet accessible to beta users, it promises to significantly improve the organization and management of events within groups with an emphasis on user-friendliness and efficiency.

Source: wabetainfo

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