You will see, my daughter, you will see …

"Daughter, you will see, in life you will find many obstacles. Some will be big, others small. Sometimes you will take a long time to overcome them. But you will get there. You will succeed because as you grow up, you will see extraordinary things and you will meet people who will change your life. Then you will learn that no man is condemned, because even in places where men are murdered for no reason, you will see that evil, by its nature, is doomed to be beaten. You will learn that, yes, a little in books, a little at school, a little by others too, but you will learn it mainly because of you. Evil, my dear, is part of our world. You will struggle against it, this is what you will have to do, but you will not find its root. And you won't have to look for her either. You will already ask yourself enough questions to ask yourself this one. You will have to remember that neither disease, nor oppression, nor guns kill a man. We remove bodies but never souls. We will want to silence you, but you will see that even if you close your eyes, you can still find within yourself the resources necessary to fight. You will be insulted. We'll spit on you. You will be blamed for your convictions, whatever they are. You will be told that you are not in your place. You will be told that you are not up to the task. We'll give you orders disguised as advice. We will impose a speech and an attitude on you. When you do your shopping, we will judge what you buy. You will be told that you are unable to understand science and mechanics. You will be told that you will never be strong enough. At work, you will be blackmailed for a raise. In the street, you will never know which of you or the dog is hissed. You will be told to put such color on your eyelids and such length on your legs. You will be told to shut up, not to make noise about anything and to continue in silence. People in whom you placed your trust will betray you. Sometimes you'll cry and want to give it all up. But you should never let yourself go, you hear? Because all this is worthless compared to all that life has to offer. I wish you so much happiness! I want the world in all its beauty for you, I want you to flourish, make your wishes come true and never stop dreaming! I want beautiful people to cross your path and you can give them your love! And when your heart is in pieces, when you feel lost or alone, I will be there. Even if the whole world turns on you, I will stay with you. I will be there to tell you how much I love you, I will tell you that you are my wonderful girl and that I will support you in all your battles. And above all, I will never stop telling you how beautiful you are.

– Don't worry, Mom. I will only do what I want. "