You won't get any more money from Prince Charles

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have arrived where they wanted to: They are finally financially independent from the palace.

A little more than five months after their retirement as senior royals, Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (39, "Suits") have finally achieved what they wanted: They are financially independent from Buckingham Palace. As the US magazine "People" reports, the couple should not get a cent from Harry's father Prince Charles (71). With that, all financial connections in Harry's old home are history.

The "New York Times" had previously reported, citing a spokesman for the couple, that Harry and Meghan should have gotten rid of their last legacy. They are said to have repaid the £ 2.4 million in taxpayers' money spent on renovating their home called Frogmore Cottage.

Netflix deal keeps the ruble rolling

This was apparently made possible by a lucrative deal with streaming provider Netflix. The cooperation between Harry and Meghan could bring in up to 150 million US dollars (about 127 million euros), it is reported. Harry and Meghan had already declared at the beginning of the year that they wanted to become "financially independent" of the palace. The British court agreed and the two started looking for new sources of money – such as the Netflix deal.

In addition, the Spotify streaming platform is said to have recently submitted an offer for a podcast. In addition, there is always talk of new film projects for Meghan and a biography. They are also said to have landed a lucrative speaker contract with an elite agency.
