You won’t see this series the same way again: Tom Selleck still uses the same trick for the dinner scenes in Blue Bloods


“Blue Bloods” fans know: each episode includes at least one family dinner. Donnie Wahlberg tried to do like his colleague Tom Selleck to make these scenes easier to shoot but was ultimately banned from copying him…

As Tom Selleck previously revealed, the famous family dinner scenes in Blue Bloods are no easy feat and are rather intense to shoot. The man who plays family patriarch and police commissioner Frank Reagan has a very special trick to make filming these sequences easier for him, a trick that you will now be able to observe at almost every dinner party!

Tom Selleck’s brilliant tip

As Screen Rant reports, filming these ensemble scenes takes a considerable amount of time before all the dialogue is recorded by the camera at the perfect angle. To be more precise, it can take six to eight hours of filming to have dinner at the Reagan house.


The actors must also eat (or pretend to eat) the same food on their plate as believably as possible throughout the sequence. This is by no means an easy task, as Donnie Wahlberg, the interpreter of dear Danny Reagan, made clear.

Everyone has a technique for appearing active at the table. I’m learning. The next show or movie I do, if I have to eat, I’ll use Tom’s trick. Tom takes a roll or a slice of bread and butters it. So during all his lines, he’s like this [il fait semblant de beurrer du pain] to look like you’re having dinner.

Now that you know that Tom Selleck constantly buttering buns during these scenes, you should be smiling at almost every dinner party. However, in order to prevent the entire Reagan family from making sandwiches in front of the camera every episode, it was expressly forbidden to Donnie Wahlberg to use “the Selleck method”. Poor Donnie ultimately had to do like the rest of the cast and improvise in the rest of the episodes. But in his next series he should therefore butter bread! Let’s stay tuned…

The final eight episodes of Blue Bloods will air starting October 18, 2024, every Friday in the United States. In France, you can find the series on Paramount+.


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