Young woman disappeared – murder trial without a body in Vienna reopened

The Viennese “cold case” of the architect and young mother Elisabeth G., who disappeared without a trace, was reopened and new evidence was found.

Prosecutor Julia Kalmar is convinced: “The accused killed his wife, who was separated from him, in a previously unknown manner and left her body in a previously unknown location in the following days!” One can be amazed. A murder trial without a body and without a method of killing? But with at least one motive, the prosecutor is convinced and presents “a complete chain of evidence” in the opening statement, which lasts more than an hour Heinrich killed because she had separated and took her little daughter with her. But that was not only the center of his life, but also his only source of income. Because the man was – a house husband. And received child benefit and child support. The prosecutor limits the crime period between 4:02 p.m. and 5:43 p.m. The first time was the last phone call with her father, the second time an ATM withdrawal. After that she went to her estranged husband to get things for herself and her daughter. According to Julia Kalmar, there was a dispute that the woman did not survive. She disappeared without a trace…The investigation was finally discontinued. A “cold case”. Until they rolled it up again. And found new evidence. Your cell phone data e.g. B. – always logged in in the immediate vicinity of his apartment. The public prosecutor is convinced that calls were also found – “that the husband made”. He only “processed” their call list. Invoice for building materials Then, when opening an account, one stumbled across a bill for building materials: foil, dry concrete, bitumen coating. Finally, the blood dogs used – they discovered a 12.5 centimeter bloodstain in the living room of the house – and not in the bathroom, which is right next to the entrance. The husband – now 65 and retired, once a successful rower – certainly doesn’t want it to have been. He comes up with a story of a hand injury that was small at first, now very large. But nobody had ever seen the woman with a bandage! The building material? He wanted to renovate the way to the garage. But it was newly paved and finished long ago. On the first of four days of the hearing, he gave a completely new version of her disappearance: she said she had done this before, after the birth of her daughter. She was gone for 13 days without a child. Because of the breastfeeding psychosis. Continued Wednesday.
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