your browsing history will soon be monitored by an AI

Google is always looking to push the boundaries by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the user experience in its Chrome browser. The latest novelty? A new feature that promises to revolutionize the way we search our browsing history.

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As Chrome users know, searching for a web page that is days or weeks old can be frustrating, as it often involves sifting through a sea of ​​visited URLs and page titles. But Google intends to change the situation with its “History Search” function powered by artificial intelligence.

According to recent information, this addition will allow users to search for pages based on their actual content, and not just on the URL or the title. By harnessing the power of AI, Chrome will be able to understand the context and meaning of words on a web page, making it easier to find a lost article, recipe or research paper since a long time.

Google’s AI will go through your history for you

The implications of this feature are far-reaching, as it promises to simplify the browsing experience and save countless minutes of fruitless searching. However, like any technology of this type, concerns have been raised about privacy and the use of data.

Google has been transparent about the need for its artificial intelligence models to access user data, including search terms, page content and generated results. Although this data is encrypted and stored on the device when historical search is enabled, the company recognizes that its human reviewers may also have access to this information during the initial phases of development.

This revelation has sparked debate about the delicate balance between convenience and privacy. While some users may appreciate the benefits of AI-enhanced search capabilities, others may be hesitant to trust their browsing history to tech giants, even if they are assured of encryption and on-device storage. Google’s approach echoes Microsoft’s recently delayed Copilot AI “Recall” feature, which drew criticism due to its exhaustive data collection practices.

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