Your horoscope for the week from August 17 to 23, 2020

Find out your horoscope for the week from August 17 to 23, 2020, for all zodiac signs. This week, the planet Mercury will abandon the sign of Leo to enter the sign of Virgo, bringing new opportunities to all signs on earth! Discover with us what the stars have in store for you this week!

Aries weekly horoscope (March 21 – April 20): what nerves!

Dear Aries, Mars in conjunction and Venus in an unfavorable position may make you very aggressive, especially towards your partner! If it makes you angry or nervous, try to stay calm and seek dialogue, especially Friday and Saturday, as these are days that are likely to be especially tense, due to a bad Moon in opposition. Your lucky day: Monday.

Taurus weekly horoscope (April 21 – May 21): new opportunities!

Dear Taurus, good news is coming for your sign! This week, starting from Friday, the planet Mercury will stop bothering you and start acting in your favor: after a period of blockage, fresh opportunities and new contacts will arrive. Venus continues to smile at you, bringing serenity and love to your relationship. Watch out for Sunday, with the Moon in opposition which could cause you misery.

Gemini weekly horoscope (May 22 – June 21): Mars has it covered!

Dear Gemini, this week, unfortunately, the planet Mercury will turn its back on you: from Friday, it will perhaps be a little more difficult for you to make your case, especially in the field of work. Slowdowns are expected, but in the end the victory will be yours due to a favorable position of Mars, which will give you the energy to make it happen. Friday and Saturday will be two particularly lucky days when it comes to your feelings.

Cancer's weekly horoscope (June 22-July 22): King of hearts!

Dear Cancer, once again this week, you confirm yourselves as the King of hearts: the planet of love remains in your sign and makes you truly irresistible! Singles will soon make conquests, especially Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. From Friday, the planet Mercury will also come back to you with a smile, making interesting meetings possible, even in the field of work.

Leo's weekly horoscope (July 23 – August 22): a lucky moon!

Dear Leo, your week is starting very well, with two days of the Moon in your sign in addition to the conjunction of Mercury, which guarantees you a lot of luck, especially in your personal relationships as well as those at work. Good news also arrives on Friday and Saturday. Instead, beware of Sundays, when you might get in a bad mood or get into trouble.

Read also: Calculate your ascendant

Virgo weekly horoscope (August 23 – September 22): welcome, Mercury!

Dear Virgo, great news arrives this week for your sign, which is preparing to welcome – from Friday – the planet Mercury, ready to soon give you new possibilities to exploit! With the favors of Jupiter and Saturn, Mercury will promote your professional relationships, preparing you for excellent results. Venus, on the other hand, guarantees you luck in love.

Video by Loïcia Fouillen

Libra weekly horoscope (September 23 – October 22): what fatigue!

Dear Libra, with Venus unfavorable and Mars in opposition, the risk of arguing with your partner will be significant! Fortunately, this week you can count on a beautiful Moon in your sign on Friday and Saturday: it will help you express your emotions and share them with your soul mate with more serenity. A period of great psycho-physical fatigue continues for you … Now is the time when you need to rest well.

Scorpio weekly horoscope (October 23 – November 22): great emotions!

Dear Scorpio, this week the planet Mercury will return to your side: from Friday, many issues that have plagued you lately (especially in your work and in your relationships) will be resolved in the best possible way, which will help you will bring back a certain serenity. Sunday in particular will be a memorable day, with a beautiful Moon in conjunction, as well as a splendid Venus which promises you great emotions.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope (November 23 – December 21): it will get better and better!

Dear Sagittarius, unfortunately this week the planet Mercury – starting Friday – will turn its back on you. In the coming weeks, you may experience slowdowns in your professional life or have more difficulty communicating with those around you. Fortunately in your romantic life, your recovery will continue after months of Venus in opposition: so do not be afraid, it will get better and better!

Capricorn's weekly horoscope (December 22 – January 20): heart problems …

Dear Capricorn, Mars in an unfavorable position and Venus in opposition, continue to create a state of anxiety and worry in you, especially in your love life. The best for you: calmly analyze your anxieties and you will realize that the solution is within reach! From Friday, Mercury returns to smile at you: soon, great satisfactions will come in your work!

Aquarius weekly horoscope (January 21 – February 18): Opposite moon…

Dear Aquarius, your week begins with two rather complicated days, where the opposition of Mercury will be added to that of the Moon: there can be unforeseen events or slowdowns, especially in the field of work. From Friday, fortunately, Mercury will no longer be opposed to your sign and, little by little, new possibilities and new paths will open to you.

Pisces weekly horoscope (February 19 – March 20): Opposite Mercury …

Dear Pisces, this week, unfortunately, the planet Mercury will come into opposition to your sign: from Friday a rather complicated period will begin for you in terms of personal relationships, especially in your professional life. Fortunately, a beautiful Venus will cheer you up, protecting your relationship or bringing you new love … Lucky day: Sunday.