Your life. Your rules. So you become what you actually are

1. Change or accept

To be completely yourself, you first have to want to be completely yourself. If not, there are two ways to be more complacent.

Either I change what I don't like or I accept myself as I am. Whining doesn't help. Whoever chooses one of the first two ways wins. Whining rags, on the other hand, are pretty annoying contemporaries, even for themselves.

2. Stay realistic

Rather reach for apples than for the stars. Because they can be reached! This saves nerves and unnecessary strength. Measuring your own worth against the achievement of the really big goals is unfair to yourself and can make you unhappy.

3. Challenge yourself and speak plain text even in small things

Those who overcome small hurdles in everyday life grow with their sense of achievement. For example, next time you could just tell the waiter that the food was not so tasty instead of lying to his face. This is honest feedback and trains your own backbone. Chacka!

4. Open expression

Nobody has to walk around the world as a cheshire cat. But an open expression tells our fellow human beings: here I am. Talk to me calmly. I will be kind. This attitude immediately makes you shine internally. It's an SOS trick, so to speak, that gives you more personality glamor in a matter of seconds.

5. Listen, listen, listen

If you are constantly busy with your own thoughts and words, you quickly lose contact with the conversation partner. But if you listen to others well and sympathize with your counterpart, you quickly build up sympathy and trust. Self-portrayal often does not bring the desired WOW effect. On the contrary. Show off annoying.

6. Be youtiful

There are only one shining personalities, every copycat automatically becomes a cheap copy. Think of all the celebrity doubles … Brrr. They usually have nothing to do with great shine. On the other hand, if you stay with yourself and your own personality, you appear authentic. And nothing makes you more radiant than your own.

7. "No" is always an option

Your life's job is definitely not to please everyone. Saying "no" to other people's demands on you is not only possible, but sometimes necessary to protect yourself. No thanks, I don’t want any more today. Because I'm the one who wakes up tomorrow with a big skull. I also don't want to take care of cats, give a wedding speech, and certainly not go on a date with your immediate best friend. Completely relaxed, such a life if you can say no.

8. I-time is important

On the plane you should always put on the oxygen mask yourself before you take care of the others. And that's the way it is in life. Only those who like themselves, take time for themselves and do good can be good for others. Selfishness is sometimes much more altruistic than we think.

9. Give the soul time

If you want to be happier, mentally stronger, more radiant and more authentic, you should give yourself time for these goals. We don't automatically get thin just because we want Kate Moss' body (which we don't do anyway, of course, because Kate Moss definitely never eats French fries with Majo and we also didn't want to be jealous of other people). Every change takes time. So be polite with yourself if you want to be Kate Moss for a while, if you were a little show-off or if you accidentally said YES instead of NO. No master has fallen from the sky yet. And there is no textbook that says how you become yourself. Only you can find out for yourself. Setbacks are part of it.

As head of the acting department in the renowned stage school and personality coach helps Karin Frost-Wilcke Seminar participants getting the best out of themselves. Our author Marie Stadler participated in the personality workshop. You can find her report here

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