‘Your pain is our pain’: Ronaldo receives touching support after baby’s death

This is news that has deeply moved the world of sport and football in particular. As he has been waiting for the birth of his twins for several weeks now, Cristiano Ronaldo had the misfortune to lose one of the two at birth, as he announced last night, together with his partner Georgina Rodriguez, on social networks. A terrible ordeal for the parents, who despite everything had the happiness of seeing their daughter born, but faced with the ordeal of losing their son, we imagine that the pain must have taken over.

After the announcement of this tragedy, the world of football is in turmoil at the plight of the most popular footballer on the planet. Returning to Manchester United this year, the 37-year-old Portuguese received great support from his favorite club, with which he became known when he was younger. “Your pain is our pain Cristiano. We send all our love and strength to you and your family”, writes the official account of the English club on Twitter. A message that had a strong impact since it has already been liked more than 160,000 times.

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