your videos will improve in quality regardless of the app you use

An invisible new feature in Android 15 should allow you to capture better quality videos with your smartphone, regardless of the dedicated application you use for that.

Video on smartphone
Credits: 123RF

THE smartphones have become so good at photos and videos that this secondary functionality at the time is today the main selling point of many models. All those under Android embed a dedicated “camera” application which differs depending on the manufacturer. If you don’t like it, you can very well choose from the hundreds of others available on the Play store of Google, but they may lack some parameters possessed by the original one. To resolve this problem, Android has developed API extensions that all developers can use.

As a reminder, an API is an interface that connects two programs together so that they exchange data or, as here, functionalities. The API Camera2 of the “stock” version of Android 14, on which those you use on your smartphone are based, offers 5 extensions. For example, an application can use Bokeh Who “emphasizes the subject in the foreground and blurs the background“. They all have one thing in common: they only work for taking photos. For the first time, Android 15 would add one regarding the video.

This new feature in Android 15 will increase the quality of videos filmed on smartphones, regardless of the app used.

The 6th extension of the Camera2 API is called Eyes Free videography. Its goal and “lock and stabilize a given region or point of interest” in a video. Clear, it will stabilize your films captured with a smartphone using processes that are generally more efficient than those of dedicated applications. The latter can therefore use it if they wish, provided that the smartphone manufacturer offers it. For example, Samsung integrates the 5 photo extensions while Google only supports one on the Pixel.

However, there remains a more universal solution. Android 15 should add a new setting to the menu Security and Privacy > Enhanced Security and Privacy. Appointed Allow camera software extensionsit will allow applications to use the Eyes Free videography extension (or others) even if the manufacturer has not implemented it in his mobile.

Source: Android Authority

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