Your voice should be pronounced in three words for the end

The suite après this publicity


you fun, the news, the bonus plan… what else?

The telephone demarchage can be used as a different source of stress. Afin d’arrêter d’être importuné, découvrez ces astuces efficaces !

Do you have a hard drive for a commercial that wants you to sell a service or a product? Do you have a save plus a comment about this situation? Découvrez comment répondre à votre interlocuteur !
The solution that is also more effective is not the same as the light raccrocher. In effect, Your harceler encore plus and tenter de your relancer in the prochaines semaines. If you sort out this situation, it is sufficient to prevent malice. In a prime time, your interlocutor will make your appeals in the legal hours, rappelez à ce dernier qu’il s’agit d’une infraction.

In effect, the telephone demarchage is authorized at certain times. You can also get it from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. In dehors de ces horaires, this is a practice illegal. You can speak to your interlocutor There is no infraction and there is nothing left on the administrative side d’un montant pouvant all à 375 000 € conformément à l’article du Code de la consumption.

The suite après this publicity

Limiter le démarchage téléphonique intempestif

If you agree, you can also do it mettre en avant votre atout légal. The action in this case has a hardware and you have the possibility of a fair signal on a plateform available in web version and mobile application named Signal Conso dirigée by the DGCCRF. Cela devrait limiter les appels puisque Your interlocutor will not respond to the risk of the signal. In fact, another method is equally effective. You can express that your contact is suppressed from the base of the données and mentioned that you do not have any additional information.

Journalists from plusieurs années, Léa is specialized in the web. Polyvalente, elle aime decrypter l’actualité au quotidien. The subjects of predilection are: the health, the beauty, the lifestyle and…

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