Your wedding – LIVE !: NDW star Markus gives his Yvonne the yes word on television

Singer Markus and Yvonne König want to tie the knot in July. The TV camera is there live.

New German wave star Markus Mörl (60, "I want fun") and his Yvonne König (49, "A little older") have long had the dream of a wedding on the Rhine. Now it should finally become a reality. After twelve years together and seven marriage proposals, the couple said yes – in front of cameras.

Mörl and König are accompanied by RTLzwei on their big day. The new show "Your wedding – LIVE!" begins shortly before the ceremony begins and records the wedding in real time for the TV audience. The families of the newlyweds and prominent friends will also be there, it is said in advance.

Marry in times of Corona

Above all, it will be exciting to see how the soon-to-be married couple coped with the wedding preparations in times of the corona pandemic. Can you implement all of your ideas? Where will there be restrictions?

"Your wedding – LIVE!" runs on Saturday, July 11th, at 8:15 p.m. at RTLzwei. In addition to Mörl and König, who moved to the "Sommerhaus der Stars" in 2017, another couple can be married. The celebrations are commented by Alexandra Maurer (38) and Eric Schroth (30). The latter has already worked as a wedding planner for Daniela Katzenberger (33) and Lucas Cordalis (52).
