YouTube may soon automatically download videos on Android

Noellie Mautaint

January 15, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.


Youtube © Youtube

And if Youtube
took care of download videos
in your place ? This is a possibility that Google is testing on android smartphones

Currently, the device already exists for music, but it could be extended to video content soon.

Automatic downloading of YouTube videos on trial

This is a well-known feature among YouTube Music users. The Smart Downloads, as its name suggests, allows the video streaming application to download music automatically using an algorithm. What anticipate any disappointment when the user finds himself in a white zone. However, this functionality could soon no longer be reserved for music only. According to information from 9to5Google, YouTube is reportedly testing a similar feature, but for videos.

YouTube - Smart Downloads videos © YouTube


As with music, YouTube’s recommendation algorithm would intelligently download around 20 videos every week based on what users watch and their interests. The content will then be stored in the offline playlist and can be viewed at any time. However, Smart Downloads will only activate when the phone is connected to Wi-Fi in order to save as much mobile data as possible.

This novelty in the making is currently only available to certain owners of Android smartphones who have a YouTube Premium subscription and who have received an invitation on their application to test the experimental functionality of YouTube.

Source: XDA-Developers

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