YouTube will now spoil videos for Internet users with an ad blocker

Corentin Béchade

May 28, 2024 at 7:31 a.m.


YouTube continues to go on the hunt for adblocks © Funstock / Shutterstock

YouTube continues to go on the hunt for adblocks © Funstock / Shutterstock

In its war against ad blockers, Youtube found a new weapon. Many Internet users indicate that the site now directly loads the end of videos if an adblocker is detected.

The war continues. While for months YouTube has been trying to complicate the lives of Internet users using an ad blocker, the latest weapon used by the company has the merit of being original. Several testimonials on Reddit explain that YouTube directly loads the end of a video if the site detects that you are using an adblocker.

YouTube continues to complicate the lives of Internet users

Trying to replay the same content or pointing to the beginning with the mouse seems to be of no use since each time the little red bar jumps directly to the last second of the video, or simply refuses to move. If the behavior seems to resemble a stupid bug, Internet users who encounter this phenomenon explain that by deactivating their ad blocker, the situation returns to normal, therefore pointing to yet another tactic by YouTube to discourage the use of these extensions.

Since November 20023, the streaming platform has declared war on ad blockers, attempting to completely prevent video playback at certain times, slowing down browsing at others, or outright going to war against third-party clients that offer a access to the content of the platform without serving enough advertisements. At the same time, the platform is also experimenting with new, longer advertising formats or the possibility of inserting banners when the video is paused.

Collateral victims

These measures taken by YouTube have created a race between the development teams of the different adblock and YouTube, each trying to circumvent the restrictions of the other with a lot of computer code. The truncated loading of videos seems to be just the latest battle.

It should be noted that this seems to mainly concern browsers equipped with the Adblock extension. Other ad blockers seem to have been spared for the moment. Some Internet users claim that this “bug” appears on their machine even though they do not use ad blockers. As usual with this kind of code war, there are collateral casualties. It remains to be seen who will tire first, YouTube or the extension developers.

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Corentin Béchade

A journalist for almost 10 years, I have been in the tech and digital sector since my very first jobs. Tinkerer (a lot), librarian (a little), I developed a specialization in...

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A journalist for almost 10 years, I have been in the tech and digital sector since my very first jobs. Tinkerer (a lot), librarian (a little), I have developed a specialization in the themes of ecology and digital technology as well as the protection of privacy. On weekends I torture Raspberry Pis with lots of 'sudo' commands to relax.

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