YouTube: your videos will soon all be in French thanks to AI-powered dubbing?

Samir Rahmoun

June 23, 2023 at 12:15 p.m.


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© rafapress / Shutterstock

YouTube will use artificial intelligence to quickly double the videos put on the platform.

This was one of the promises of the new management: to offer AI tools to content producers on the platform. A measure mentioned just a few months ago and which should soon bring something new for the dubbing of videos on the platform.

Aloud to report

On YouTube, many of us consume videos produced abroad, and therefore in a language that may escape us. In general, to find us there, it may be necessary to activate subtitles that are not particularly precise. Aware of this small problem, the video streaming giant will soon offer a new dubbing service.

For this, he will call on a team from the company Aloud, from its internal incubator Area 120 by Google and which offers a dubbing service powered by AI. Its use is simple: the artificial intelligence analyzes the video, transcribes its content so that it can be checked by the creator, and once the whole has been validated, proceeds to the translation, then behind, to the dubbing.

Some languages ​​currently available

The new feature is already being tested by several hundred creators on the platform, according to an official interviewed by The Verge. Currently, the tool only works with three languages, English, of course, as well as Spanish and Portuguese. But many other idioms should soon be added. AI capabilities should also be improved to ” cause [d’ici 2024,] translated audio tracks sound like the creator’s voice, with more expression and lip sync “.

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© / Unsplash

This enhancement to the video translation tool is not new to the Alphabet Group. He had indeed already presented last month his “Universal Translator”, a tool whose AI was able to directly translate a video into another language, to duplicate this same video, and finally to reinsert the translated speech into the images of ‘origin. This performance was astonishing, as the voice and the movement of the lips had been perfectly adapted. Is it the latter that YouTube implements today?



  • Large catalog of video content
  • Channels without limits on themes
  • Free

YouTube is a video streaming platform on which any Internet user can upload their videos, view those of other users, create their own thematic channel and develop their audience. A true web 2.0 icon, YouTube has evolved over the years and therefore retains its well-established popularity.

YouTube is a video streaming platform on which any Internet user can upload their videos, view those of other users, create their own thematic channel and develop their audience. A true web 2.0 icon, YouTube has evolved over the years and therefore retains its well-established popularity.

Source : The Verge

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