You’ve probably already brought out this line with friends! Pronounced 22 years ago by Gérard Darmon, it is one of the best of Mission Cléopâtre

A look back at one of Amonbofis’ funniest lines in “Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”…

In the cinema, as long as they have been forged by talented dialogue writers, declaimed by good actors and set on a quality script, certain lines can sometimes go down in posterity. It even happens – generally when they are in the service of a family or popular comedy – that they introduce themselves into everyday language and occasionally invite themselves into our conversations.

In this area, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, second adaptation of the famous comic strip in live action produced in 2002 by Alain Chabat, is a real gold mine.

Served by a cast all starthe film is above all a festival of anthology lines, which burst onto the screen every two and a half seconds for more than an hour and a half.

A film full of jokes

From Panoramix’s alexandrine (invented by Goscinny) to Otis’ unpublished monologue, including the many jokes that Chabat has mischievously slipped into the dialogues of his film, it is very possible that certain lines from Mission Cleopatra will one day or the other spent a head in your evenings with friends.

But of all the punchlines of the feature film, the one that we most often tend to bring out when the opportunity lends itself to it is undoubtedly the attempt to concatenation of Amonbofis, when the latter asks his henchman Nexusis to stop the construction of Caesar’s palace.

“No palace…”

The strategy of the perfidious architect consists of ensuring that the new stones transported by the Nile never arrive at the Numérobis site. Its logic is implacable:

“No stones, no building. No building, no palace.”

But Nexusis, seduced by his employer’s stratagem, still seems to be waiting for the reasoning to end.

“No palace…no palace”Amonbofis then concludes, to let him know that his thoughts stop there.

Extremely simple and very effective, perfectly anchored in the humor that was that of Les Nuls on Canal+, this valve works every time, and can be replaced quite easily in everyday life, during a similar conversation or to conclude with humor an explanation. not very laborious.

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