Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana returns to PS5

Before exploring the city of Balduq and discovering new abilities in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, Adol had experienced a great island adventure after the sinking of the ship on which he had embarked with Dogi and a few dozen other passengers. So many survivors scattered all over this unknown island that Adol must gather in a makeshift village and that we see evolve over the course of the adventure.

It is also by finding more and more people that Adol will be able to access new parts of the island, previously blocked by too heavy obstacles. Particularity of this episode, Adol will begin to dream of a young woman with blue hair living in an unknown civilization, the opportunity for the player to get to know Dana in passages taking place within another chronology, but where the actions of one protagonist can have consequences for the other.

Apart from a fluidity that we dare to hope for flawless and loading times which logically will be non-existent, it is difficult to place particular hopes in the realization of this PlayStation 5 port, which will include additional cosmetic content from the other versions. For the moment, not a word from NIS America concerning the use of the features of the controller (haptic feedback, adaptive triggers) or of the console (activity cards, game help), the publisher being above all on the job with its traditional collector’s edition. Not expected before fall 2022 on PS5, Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will always be available in French, with the choice between Japanese and English voices.

  • Also Read | Our review of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

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