Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein: Bought a shared apartment on Ku’damm in Berlin

Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein
Bought a shared apartment on Ku’damm in Berlin

Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke have been rumored to have had an affair since 2023.

© IMAGO/FutureImage

Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein continue to deny being a couple. But now they also share an apartment.

On the sidelines of the 2023 jungle camp, Yvonne Woelke (42) and Peter Klein (57) are said to have started an affair in Australia. To this day, the actress and the reality TV celebrity deny the liaison. But it is no longer a secret that the two spend a lot of time together. Now Woelke reveals the “Bild” newspaper: “I bought an apartment. 65 square meters on the Ku’damm in Berlin. For Peter and me! Whenever he is in Germany, he can stay here.”

She is a regular guest of Klein, who lives in a finca on Mallorca. “I have to return the favor,” explains the presenter. That is why they have now set up a “shared apartment.” Peter Klein also emphasizes that he and Woelke have a “very, very close friendship.” He enjoys spending time with her and is happy to “finally have someone with me.”

“We are good friends”

For over a year, Klein and Woelke have been denying the relationship that has been rumored since the 2023 jungle camp. The rumors about the affair between the two broke up Peter Klein’s marriage to Iris Klein (57), the mother of Daniela Katzenberger (37). The trained painter and varnisher finally admitted on his Instagram account in April 2023 that he had developed feelings for Woelke.

Yvonne Woelke, who is also currently married, continues to deny that she loves him back. But she is only too happy to flirt with the rumors. The two have just released a love duet called “Forbidden Love.” “We are good friends,” Woelke claims to Bild.


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