Zaporizhia: Russia “regrets” that the IAEA report does not accuse Ukraine

The Russian ambassador to the UN regretted Tuesday, September 6 during a meeting of the Security Council that the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) does not point to the responsibility of Ukraine, that Moscow accuses of having bombed the Zaporizhia nuclear power station. “We regret that in your report (…) the source of these bombings is not directly named“, declared Vassili Nebenzia, considering that this report presented remotely by the head of the IAEA before the Council was a “confirmation” that the “only threatagainst the site came from thebombings and sabotage by Ukrainian armed forces“.

A few minutes earlier, the head of the IAEA Rafael Grossi, speaking by video, denounced the fact that the physical integrity of the plant “continue to be violated“, qualifying as”unacceptable” the fact that the site was targeted and claiming the establishment of a “safe area“. “We play with fire“, he launched.

But, after the mission carried out at the plant a few days ago, the agency’s report published on Tuesday is careful not to blame one or other of the countries for the “significant damageobserved on the plant buildings. Unsurprisingly, Westerners have pointed the finger at the responsibility of Russia, which occupies the site. “Despite Russia’s tap number here today to avoid taking responsibility for its actions, Russia has no right to expose the world to unnecessary risk and nuclear catastrophesaid US Ambassador for Special Political Affairs Jeffrey DeLaurentis.

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