Zara + Mike Tindall: Sweet snapshot from romantic trip to Rome

Zara + Mike Tindall in Rome
The couple enjoys a romantic getaway

Zara and Mike Tindall

© Dana Press

News about the British royals in the GALA ticker: Mike and Zara Tindall spend a romantic time in Rome +++ Charles wants Prince Andrew “out of sight”.

Royal News 2022 in the GALA ticker

February 14, 2022

Zara and Mike Tindall coo through Rome

Whenever they appear somewhere, Zara, 40, and her husband Mike Tindall, 43, seem very harmonious and familiar. Even after more than ten years of marriage and three children, they still throw loving looks at each other. The former rugby pro would even renew his marriage vows to the Queen’s granddaughter, he admitted at a panel in November 2021. No wonder the couple bring plenty of romance to a sports venue in Rome.

After blasting around Rome on an e-scooter, as Mike and Zara captioned it on his Instagram Story, Mike and Zara both stopped by yesterday’s Sunday at The Green Room, an exclusive venue where guests are treated to expert analysis of sports like rugby – under others by Mike Tindall himself. That’s what it says on the in-house website. But so close to today’s Valentine’s Day, the parents of three brought pure romance to the store – at least that’s what the sweet snap of the two that the venue shared on its Instagram Story suggests.

Mike and Zara Tindall at The Green Room in Rome

Mike and Zara Tindall at The Green Room in Rome


Prince Charles is said to have banned Prince Andrew from Windsor Castle

Queen Elizabeth, 95, stripped her alleged favorite son of all military titles and patronage after it became known that Prince Andrew, 61, had to face the civil suit brought by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, 38, in the United States. Prince Charles, 73, is also said to have cracked down and asked his brother to stay “out of sight”. He has banned Prince Andrew from Windsor Castle, a source close to the heir to the throne told The Sun.

Charles feels deceived by Andrew, who assured him three years ago that the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, † 66, would take care of itself. Since Andrew was “fired” from the company, he has not been seen near Windsor Castle – Charles is said to be behind it. “Charles wants Andrew out of sight […] to have. He [Prinz Andrew] has been warned to keep a low profile. Charles doesn’t want Andrew to be photographed every other day looking happy and waving as he’s being driven to the castle,” the source said.

It is even conceivable that the Duke of York will be expelled from the Royal Lodge where he lives with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, 62, and from Windsor itself when Charles is king. Other sources would not rule out the possibility that Andrew Fergie would remarry if they were forced to fend for themselves.

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