Zelda BOTW on Nintendo Switch 2? It would look like this and it’s magnificent!

It’s no surprise, but the Nintendo Switch will soon reach the end of its life. So fans imagined what Breath of the Wild would be like on the Nintendo Switch 2

It’s no surprise, but the Nintendo Switch will soon reach the end of its life. This year she will be seven years old, which generally corresponds to a generational change. Big N’s machine should be no exception, and already gives clues as to what’s next: the famous Nintendo Switch 2. Rumors point to a potential Switch 2, which is expected to arrive in 2024. This console would even be capable of running titles at 60 FPS. Remember, nothing is official yet, and for the moment, no future software releases have been confirmed on the device. However, for the company, it has almost become a tradition to launch a console with a new The Legend of Zelda.

Waiting for Zelda Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch 2

Nintendo is very shy about its future console and even more so about its next Zelda game. So, while waiting for news, fans imagined what Breath of the Wild would look like on a next-gen console. Several days ago, a pack of the software in 4k was put online on the community platforms. The textures have been perfected and the graphics are frankly incredible! Yes, there are no major new features, but the title is much more pleasing to the eye, especially since the artistic direction is already crazy. The software, available from the Nexus Mod site, also adds font, inventory and icon improvements. In itself, the rendering is close to what Nintendo could do, if the company decided to produce an HD remaster, like for Twilight Princess at the time. This is what Nintendo could do one day given the little information circulating…

Remember: in September, during Gamescom, several rumors suggested that privileged people had had the chance to test the Nintendo Switch 2, with a possible version of Zelda Breath of the Wild in 4K. According to insiders, the software ran at 60 FPS, had ray tracing like on the PS5 and no loading time. The presentation of the machine also showed the technical demo of Matrix Awakens. The latter is generally used to present the full potential of Unreal Engine 5. BIG N thus wants to prove that it will not be left behind in the graphic quality of its games. No official announcement date has yet been communicated for the release of the new console. However, the month of March is regularly mentioned as being important, but it is impossible to know if this corresponds to an officialization or the launch of the Nintendo Switch 2.

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