Zelda: Nintendo and Sony team up to produce a live action film

Stéphane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

November 8, 2023 at 10:04 a.m.


Zelda TOTK Sun © © Nintendo

Would you like to see Zelda in live action? ©Nintendo

After Super Mario Bros.Nintendo is already working on the film adaptation of The Legend of Zeldawith a live action film.

After the animated film Super Mario Bros. launched earlier this year, Nintendo will follow up with a live action film (with real actors) taken from the Zelda universe. The Japanese giant announced the news on its official website a few hours ago, specifying that the film will be co-financed by Nintendo and Sony Pictures Entertainment. At the helm, we can find Shigeru Miyamoto, but also Avi Arad, producer of numerous Marvel films.

The film The Legend of Zelda is official

Currently, information is still very scarce regarding this film Zelda coming to Nintendo. However, we know that the latter will be produced by Web Ball, at the origin of the saga The labyrinthbut also the next Planet of the Apes: The New Kingdomcoming in 2024.

This is Miyamoto. I have been working on the live-action The Legend of Zelda film for many years with Avi Arad, who has produced many successful films “, explained Shigeru Miyamoto on the company’s Twitter account.

What direction for this film Zelda ?

Already in 2015, many rumors mentioned an adaptation of the saga Zelda, originally in the form of a series (still in live action) intended for the Netflix platform. Galvanized by the performances of Super Mario Bros. The MovieNintendo has obviously decided to repeat the experience with this other emblematic license.

As of now, however, the studio has yet to reveal any details regarding the film’s cast or plot, or even the expected release year. It will also be interesting to observe the artistic direction taken by this adaptation, and what will be the reference video game.

Zelda LTTP

It remains to be seen which game will inspire the upcoming Zelda film © Nintendo

Indeed, since the first opus at the end of the 1980s, the saga Zelda has had numerous episodes, all (or almost all) having their own universe, their own identity.

We will now see if Nintendo will decide to take inspiration from the recent opuses launched on Nintendo Switch, by far the most popular (commercially speaking) of all, or if it will prefer to rely on classic opuses, like Ocarina of Time Or A Link to the Past. Unless the inspiration comes from the unloved Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Source : Gamespot

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