“Zelensky seems to be a more effective warlord than Putin”

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INTERVIEW. Henri Bentégeat, former chief of staff of the French armies, entrusts to the “Point” his analysis of the Russian offensive and praises the “moral force” of the Ukrainian camp.

Interview by Jean Guisnel

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky decorates a soldier on December 20, 2022, near the city of Bakhmout, the scene of a long battle between Russians and Ukrainians.
© Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/AFP

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LArmy General Henri Bentégeat is an officer with a rare voice. Chief of the President of the Republic’s private staff (1999-2002), then Chief of the Defense Staff (2002-2006) and finally Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (2006-2009), he agreed to share, exclusively for Pointhis analysis of the conflict in Ukraine.

Point : What is the first lesson you draw from ten months of war in Ukraine?

Henri Bentegeat: The first element that I note, since the beginning of this war, is the triumph of moral force, a formula that is no longer used much, and which is expressed in the resilience of the Ukrainian people and the motivation of the combatants. . These play…

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