Zeri’s Guide to League of Legends: Build, Tips and More

The kickoff of League of Legends season 12 was marked by the arrival with great fanfare of Zeri, an AD Carry with a few peculiarities. If you’re having trouble deciding how to play it, here’s something to get you started.

After revealing herself earlier than expected, Zeri officially took her first steps on Summoner’s Rift when Patch 12.2 went live, electrifying the League of Legends meta.

It is unfortunately still too early to be able to quantify its presence in the game, or determine its winrate, but many Summoners have already sought to take advantage of the avant-garde kit of the Spark of Zaun.

If you also want to try your luck, but are unsure of what to do, here is something to guide you.

Who is Zeri, the Spark of Zaun?

Born into a working-class slum family, she fought alone in the resistance against the Zaun chemical barons who were destroying her homeland. Sadly that wasn’t enough, but his efforts inspired those who suffered from the chemistry barons to rebuild their lives and stand up against the oppressor.

“Supported by her community, Zeri fights for those who are helpless. Zaun has his flaws, just like Zeri, but sometimes all it takes is a single spark to change the world.”

Subsequently, she learned to control and channel her energy through an emotion-powered gun, and a jacket to control her voltage. For more details, do not hesitate to consult his official bio.

Gameplay of Zeri on League of Legends

The least we can say is that Zeri is one of a kind. Indeed, his Q transforms his basic attacks, forcing him to aim! This ability provides 2 possibilities for Zeri’s basic attacks. When his Q is passive, his basic attack becomes a skill that charges up, dealing magic damage, and once charged, slows the opponent and deals additional damage. When he is active, his basic attack becomes an attack again and no longer a skill. Zeri can then launch 7 projectiles which inflict physical damage to the first enemy hit.

This out-of-the-ordinary ability is quite difficult to grasp once you start handling Zeri, turning her into a pseudo-Ezreal, constantly spamming her Q. Since Q’s cooldown is also based on attack speed, this is something to consider when optimizing Zeri’s build.

The other interesting aspect of his kit is undeniably the mobility it gives him. Whether it’s the speed boost from her R or her dash that might make Talon jealous, once she’s in the heat of the moment, it’s hard to stop her.

Nevertheless, we must not forget that Zeri is particularly fragile in the early game. Before having 2 items, it is better to play it safe by farming quietly thanks to its Q, unless of course you have an enchanting support at its side or as an opponent, which allows it to be more aggro.

Zeri Abilities

  • Passive Skill – Living Battery : Zeri gains movement speed when she receives a shield. When she damages an enemy shield, she absorbs its energy to protect herself.
  • Q – Burst

    • Passive: Zeri’s basic attack deals magic damage, powers up with power, and is considered a skill. Moving and casting Flurry stores energy in Zeri’s Ion Pack. When fully charged, her next basic attack slows and deals bonus damage.

    • Active: Flurry launches 7 projectiles that deal physical damage to the first enemy hit. Flurry scales in power based on attack damage and is treated as an attack, with the first projectile applying the effects on impact. Its cooldown matches that of Zeri’s basic attack.

  • Z – Electrocutioner Laser : Zeri fires an electrical pulse that slows and damages the first enemy hit. If the pulse hits a wall, it fires a long-range laser from the point of impact.

  • E – Ionic charge : Zeri dashes a short distance and energizes his next 3 Flurries, whose projectiles will pierce enemies. She will jump over or slide against any terrain she bumps into, depending on the angle. Hitting a champion with an attack or skill reduces Ion Charge’s cooldown.

  • R – Electric Rash : Zeri discharges an electrical nova that damages nearby enemies. Zeri is overloaded for a short time. When overloaded, Zeri gains bonus damage, attack speed, and movement speed. Attacking enemy champions refreshes Overload duration and adds a Movement Speed ​​charge. When overloaded, Burst damage concentrates into a faster triple shot that arcs electricity between enemies.

The best build for Zeri

As always, multiple builds are viable for Zeri, but the most optimal seems to be the crit-focused one. Classic items like Wind Force and Immortal Shield Bow, which work very well on her, allow for a fairly traditional build. Spectral Scythe and Infinity Edge are also great items for Zeri.

Riot Games

Zeri’s Wilted Rose Skin

Depending on the course of the game, you can later opt for Dominik’s Greetings to make short work of tanks, a Deadly Recall to overcome champions who heal in chains, or a Phantom Dancer for scale.

The best runes for Zeri

When it comes to runes, the debate rages on between Mortal Tempo and Conqueror, but Mortal Tempo seems to be the better option. Indeed Tempo Mortel gives a significant boost to its attack speed, while providing sustain.

The rest of the build remains fairly standard with Triumph and Legend: Leech for sustain and Coup de Grace to accentuate the damage. Then it’s on the side of Domination that you have to venture, with always sustaining Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter.

Zeri runes in League of Legends
Riot Games

The most optimal runes for Zeri

Zeri takes a bit of getting used to, but when used well, she can really turn the tide of a game.

Remember to use your mobility wisely, be precise with your attacks, be cautious early on and you will easily take control of Summoner’s Rift.

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