ZEvent: Subgoals ignite (once again…) Twitter

Ouch! As the ZEvent 2022 is about to officially start this Friday, September 9, it is therefore natural that we gradually discovered the different subgoals of our streamers. Unfortunately, once again, Ultia is singled out by many Internet users because of what it offers, as well as the streamer jeel.

Ultia, once again in turmoil

The announcement of ZEvent 2022 was not the most serene, and things don’t seem to want to calm down. While ZeratoR had to face a lot of criticism when he announced the association which was then to be the beneficiary of all donations, and which according to several viewers it was not legitimate, the latter corrected the situation by offering Internet users the opportunity to choose the ones they want to see. If this concern has been masterfully resolved, unfortunately there are other streamers, including Ultia, who still have to deal with completely unjustified controversies.

You are not unaware that the young woman was the target of a drama that took place during last year’s ZEvent, and once again, this year again, some twittos are hounding her by pointing this time, his subgoals

According to some users of the blue bird social networkUltia’s donations goal aren’t crazy enough and have been called simplistic. But is it really worth all the hard work she’s been getting for a few hours? Absolutely not. Unfortunately, and as we could expect, the more the years pass and the more some streamers like to set the bar quite high with regard to their subgoals, thus always offering more spectacle, which can sometimes give rise to certain frustrations among some viewers. when a streamer offers more posed things.

After Ultia, it’s Jeel’s turn!

Ultia wasn’t the only one to receive a lot of criticism. Shortly after her list of subgoals was revealed, Jeel was also singled out. The reason for this? Not his lack of sensational donation goals but rather certain levels that are not in line with the cause defended this year by the ZEvent.

You are not unaware that the ecology and environment of our planet are at the heart of this ZEvent 2022, and when we look at some Jeel subgoals, we see that the young woman offers some air travel, which made some twittos wince, and that can be understood. Some have wondered why Ultia has been the target of unwarranted harassment, not hesitating to question Jeel’s list.

Nevertheless, the young woman did not want to let herself go and explained through a longer tweet that she is unfortunately aware that she is not a perfect studentbut that she will make an effort.

Anyway, we hope that these tensions will end and we must not forget that the cause that must take precedence for this ZEvent 2022 is that for the protection of our environment.


Last night was the opening concert of the 2022 edition of ZEvent. Renowned artists have ignited the Zenith of Montpellier, and the more than convinced public is now eager to attend this charity marathon weekend!

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