Zodiac Jewelry: These pieces match your zodiac sign

We love zodiac jewelry, because with the personalized necklaces and bracelets we always carry something of our personality with us. We will now show you which models are the most beautiful!

Constellations or signs of the zodiac on necklace pendants have been coveted for years and are not only a perfect accessory for oneself – they also make good gifts. Combined with name chains, this results in a timeless style that you can wear with almost any outfit. Whether worn comfortably in a sweatshirt look or with an oversized blouse, zodiac necklaces never look overloaded or boastful. Here we show you which models are available and what best suits your zodiac sign.

Your zodiac jewelry

Aquarius (01/21 – 02/19)

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is very freedom-loving and, among other things, moves discreetly, calmly and unconventionally. Therefore fits silver jewellery with a little embellishment such as small crystals or patterned accents also perfect for this zodiac sign. This also goes well with the creativity known for the Aquarius zodiac sign and the touch of eccentricity, because the jewelery worn can be a little more conspicuous.

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)

Pisces are known for their sentimental nature and romantic disposition. Therefore suitable silver and rosé jewellery also best for this zodiac sign. Silver for the times when things should be a little more subtle and rosé for dreamy hours, for example when the creativity, for which the zodiac sign Pisces is also known, is flowing again.

Aries (03/21 – 04/20)

An Aries knows what he or she wants. The zodiac sign is powerful, goal-oriented and impatient. Too much frills is out of place here. Instead is less excited Gold Jewellery best suited for the zodiac sign Aries and glitter is avoided anyway.

Taurus (04/21 – 05/20)

Aesthetics are particularly important to the zodiac sign Taurus. As nature-loving creatures in need of harmony, they are perfect for silver and Gold Jewellery suitable who through colorful gems can be added. Earthy tones are particularly good, but also colors like turquoise or yellow, which reflect the energetic that also characterizes Taurus.

Gemini (05/21 – 06/21)

Geminis always exude a certain lightness when they live out their charm, friendliness and sociability. Completely unchecked, they rush from one adventure to the next and are quite attractive because they seem so carefree. But that is exactly what sometimes makes them a little more susceptible to stress than other zodiac signs, which makes them seem unreliable to some. This mix ensures that twins are both silver jewellery as well as Gold Jewellery can wear included colorful accessories. The naivety that resonates with the zodiac sign Gemini is thus perfectly absorbed.

Cancer (06/22 – 07/22)

Hard shell, soft core – nothing describes the zodiac sign Cancer better than this proverb. Because once you have cracked the shell, a soulful, good-natured, helpful, sensitive, happy, romantic and dreamy soul awaits you. This is exactly why the zodiac sign Cancer is also best with rose gold or Silver equipped, which can also be supplemented with a little shimmer.

Leo (23.07. – 23.08.)

gold and glitterare indispensable for lions. After all, it is not for nothing that the zodiac sign is said to be not averse to luxury. But far from the superficial shell, a warm, optimistic, kind, generous, loyal and passionate personality awaits you. It doesn’t have to be too much glitter for the zodiac sign Leo, but tasteful is all the better.

Virgo (08/24 – 09/23)

Contrary to what you might expect, Virgos are anything but playful and romantic. Instead, they act in a thorough, rational, realistic and demanding manner – but also caring and loyal. Less excited and of higher quality silver jewellery is therefore also the best choice for the zodiac sign Virgo.

Libra (09/24 – 10/23)

Libra is so balanced and versatile that everything suits her. goldsilver and rose reflect both the harmony and calm that the zodiac sign Libra longs for, as well as self-confidence, ambition and optimism. It is best to choose a piece of jewelery with a light decoration and a few small crystals.

Scorpio (10/24 – 11/22)

The Scorpio zodiac sign is not exactly known for its optimism. What distinguishes it, however, are endurance, resilience, fearlessness, intelligence and determination. And even if the Scorpio is considered power-hungry and manipulative, he also has a loyal, creative and passionate side. If you mix these properties together, it shows silver jewellery as the best choice for Scorpio. However, there are no special ornaments or even glitter.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

The zodiac sign Sagittarius is philosophical, almost lost in thought, but also quick-witted. Everything he undertakes, he does with passion and never lets his optimism out of his sight. Neutral jewelry off Silver is just as good here as Gold Jewellerybecause Sagittarius’ element is fire, matching their passion for knowledge and people.

Capricorn (22.12. – 20.01.)

The zodiac sign Capricorn is conservative and rather reserved and calm in certain areas of life. The jewelry for the Capricorn can therefore be just as calm. Silver is a good choice here, without much embellishment, because it does not match the ambition, fighting spirit and tenacity that characterize the zodiac sign. Capricorns express their creativity more in the use of different colors, for example in the form of coarse precious stones or natural stones.

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