10 benefits and virtues of pineapple

If you love pineapple, you will love it even more after reading this. Besides being delicious, it has a number of health benefits. In particular, it improves digestive transit, has antioxidant properties and contains very few calories. What more ?

Pineapple comes from a perennial plant from South America. Its exotic flavor and rich in vitamins is increasingly present in many recipes. Because of its seasonality, pineapple is a fruit that we usually eat a lot in summer. In addition to improving our digestive system, it also helps in weight loss thanks to its low calorie intake and high antioxidant content. This fruit, in addition to being delicious, is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and is mainly composed of water.

Besides, do you know all the ways to eat pineapple? While eating it plain is a great option, there are plenty of other (delicious) ways to get pineapple into our diet.

Pineapple, a healthy snack at any time of the day

"5 fruits and vegetables per day", this phrase that we all know and that we hear everywhere. Fruits and vegetables are a fundamental pillar of the diet and there is no valid excuse for not eating them regularly. Fruit is a healthy option any time of the day, which is why we recommend eating it whenever you're feeling hungry.

Pineapple is an excellent fruit that has many benefits. Its main feature is its diuretic action. Since it is 85% water, it is a very good ally in diets.

1. It helps in the digestion of proteins

The enzyme bromelain, found in pineapple, aids in the digestion of proteins. That is why it is very beneficial for people suffering from indigestion, gas or heartburn.

2. It has a high fiber intake

It is an excellent source of dietary fiber. Consuming fiber lowers the risk of developing colon cancer. In addition, if you sometimes suffer from constipation, its high fiber content can help you improve bowel movements.

3. It promotes weight loss

It is a very good food to include in a diet or a food rebalancing, because it contains very few calories.

4. It is rich in nutrients

It is a fruit rich in potassium. It contains a host of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, which helps strengthen bones.

5. It helps with oral health

Pineapple reduces the risk of gingivitis because it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

6. It promotes the elimination of orange peel

It is an ally in the fight against cellulite, because its water content is very high and can help you maintain a good water balance in your body.

7. It is beneficial for circulation

Pineapple has anticoagulant properties, which helps improve blood circulation. It also helps fight against problems such as hypertension or prevent cardiovascular disease.

8. It improves the natural defenses

Pineapple is also a source of folic acid, an essential vitamin for strengthening the immune system.

9. It is ideal for sports

It is an ideal fruit for athletes, because its anti-inflammatory properties can help fight muscle pain in athletes.

10. A satiating fruit

Pineapple contains a lot of water, and then gives you a feeling of fullness that will prevent you from over-snacking between meals.

Some precautions

Besides all its benefits for the body, pineapple is also astringent and very acidic, its consumption can thus promote the appearance of canker sores.
It can also cause allergic reactions in intolerant people, such as hives, digestive problems or even respiratory problems. We are therefore careful when we consume it for the first time.

Recipe ideas with pineapple

Sweet or savory, there are many ways to consume pineapple.
If you want to take advantage of its vitamin C and the effects of its bromelain, it is best to consume it raw, freshly cut.
In salads, smoothies, carpaccio, as an accompaniment to cottage cheese, pie, or sorbet, pineapple is available in 1001 ways, from the healthiest to the most delicious.
Use your imagination and try out different combinations!

Read also : What to cook with a pineapple? Our ideas for a more exotic menu

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