10 things that confident people should never be ashamed of

10 things that confident people are never ashamed of

© GaudiLab / Shutterstock

A little shame is okay, but there are some things that we should never be embarrassed about. In any case, self-confident people would never be ashamed of these ten things.

Hasn’t the flush of shame shot in the face of most of us? And didn’t that make the situation even more embarrassing …?

Nothing against feelings of shame per se! After all, they prevent us all from puffing each other up (although the quiet ones are usually the worst …). But we can also overdo it when we are ashamed – and that is usually a sign of insecurity and a lack of self-esteem. Here are ten things no one should be ashamed of.

1. Appearance

It is the way it is. Some have a hooked nose, others are only 1.50 meters tall and still others look like a doll. Our body says nothing about our worth as humans. Of course we can be proud and happy when we like it. But we should never be ashamed of our appearance.

2. A mood

Everyone has a bad day (or a bad year) every now and then. And a bad mood doesn’t even need a specific reason. If scientists cannot explain why we tick, how we tick, why should we always understand our moods or have them under control?

3. One question

Sucked out phrase, but a truth that does not seem to have reached everyone: There are no superfluous questions! If you don’t know or understand something, there are usually other people who feel the same way, and they probably just lack the courage to ask. Furthermore, we all have the right to ask for at least the information we believe we need. In the worst case, we seem very interested – or sympathetic.

4. Feelings

Well, feelings arise while we are living in front of us and are flooded with impressions, and they are just as individual as our fingerprint. Our feelings make us the lovable people we are. And even if they are sometimes stressful for those around us (and of course for us too), there is never a reason to be ashamed of them. Every feeling has a purpose – and if it is a feeling of shame that shows us that we need more self-confidence …

5. A mistake

Even machines whose worth is to function are bluntly sending out error messages. As people who are primarily in the world to try out and learn, should we be ashamed of our mistakes? Nope, mistakes are human, but certainly not embarrassing.

6. Dreams

Just like our feelings, our dreams help us to find our own way in life – regardless of whether it is our unconscious dreams that we will only halfway remember tomorrow or our hopes and fantasies about the future.

7. Failure

You can only fail if you dare to do something, so every failure is a reason to be proud of us – because it primarily shows courage.

8. Weaknesses

Just imagine the perfect person – do you find him attractive and lovable? So what! Without our weaknesses, we would not only be boring, but also unsympathetic. Being strong is not everything and being weak is everything but embarrassment!

9. The account balance

Yes, money rules the world, but that doesn’t mean that the ultimate goal in life is to amass as much money as possible. What we have in our account and whether we can afford a car or a bicycle says nothing about what we are worth as a person – even if the rich and powerful like to portray it that way (and it, because they say so much Have power, unfortunately also managed quite well …)

10. Naivety

As children we are all naive because we have never been disappointed. But the older we get and the more negative experiences we have, the more clear-cut and skeptical we become. This is okay and makes sense for self-protection, but if we do manage to retain a hint of childlike naivete, it is more a reason to be proud of ourselves rather than ashamed. Because trust and believing in the good always requires courage and self-confidence.


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