10 things you must do to avoid catching a cold this year

Everyone coughs and sniffles, so it's very difficult not to get sick. But there are some things you can do to avoid catching a cold. These 10 tips will help you!

As soon as it gets cold and wet outside again, everyone is coughing and sniffing again. If you now think that you cannot defend yourself against infection anyway, you are thinking wrong. There are quite a few things you can do to avoid catching a cold. These 10 tips will help you!

1. Remember your thumbs when washing your hands

Hard to believe, but true: When washing hands, many people forget that their thumbs also need to be cleaned thoroughly with soap. We constantly use our thumbs, for example to operate the smartphone. And its display has been proven to be a huge source of bacteria.

2. Don't put bags on the floor

In public spaces in particular, you should never put bags or rucksacks on the floor if possible – especially not in toilets. Because there are countless no-one romping about on the floor, which you then drag home with you and maybe distribute on the table or worktop, when you put the bag there. It is best to hang bags, rucksacks and the like on a hook or place them on an empty chair. If this is not possible, the bag should be washed regularly.

3. Separate toothbrushes from each other

A multitude of bacteria cavort in our oral flora. But cold germs also make themselves comfortable on the oral mucosa and then get stuck on the toothbrush. Therefore, used toothbrushes should be stored separately from each other – especially if someone is already sick in the house.

4. Disinfect all drawer handles

Most think about disinfecting door handles. But there are many more handles and knobs in the house that need cleaning as well. These include, for example, those on drawers or cupboards. Usually it is enough to wipe them off about weekly. If a family member has a cold, it is best to clean all handles daily.

5. Leave your shoes in front of the door

Our shoes go everywhere with us – unfortunately also through puddles and dirt. Accordingly, a lot of germs stick to the sole, which we then carry into the house and thus onto carpets and co. This is a real germ trap, especially for babies and toddlers who are still sliding and crawling on the floor.

6. Don't eat your lunch at your desk

Quite apart from the fact that it is better not to take a break at work anyway, it is also unwise to eat there. Because microbiologists warn: The classic office workplace can be contaminated with germs up to 100 times more than a toilet seat. Therefore: It is better to eat in the break room or outside and to wipe your own workspace with a disinfectant from time to time.

7. Don't take your cell phone into the bathroom

The gentlemen of creation will probably not like to hear that, but: The smartphone should not be taken to the toilet. The probability that it is subsequently contaminated with faecal germs is actually quite high. In order to get the smartphone display clean again, it is best to wipe it with a disinfectant cloth every few days.

8. Always have some yogurt in the fridge

A Canadian study shows that Probiotics, such as those found in yogurt, can help prevent upper respiratory infections. Ideally, it is eaten with dark berries, such as blueberries – these also boost the immune system.

9. Change sheets at least every two weeks

Yes, it is annoying to constantly wash bed linen, towels and the like, but you shouldn't do without them, especially during the cold season. Because germs and bacteria feel right at home in it and can easily move from you to your partner and back! Therefore, bed linen should be washed at least every fortnight, even better every week. Important: The pathogens only die at 60 degrees.

10. Provide moist air

Dry air also dries out our mucous membranes and makes it easier for viruses and bacteria to settle. To prevent this, the humidity should be around 35 to 55 percent. On the one hand, it helps to open all windows completely three times a day for about five minutes and ventilate them and on the other hand, to attach so-called humidifiers to the heater. You can find them in every hardware store. Alternatively, place a small bowl of water on the heater. However, the water should be changed regularly.

What if it got me?

Then our home remedies for colds, home remedies for coughs and home remedies for sore throats will help you to get well again quickly!

Video tip: Chicken soup: the best recipe for a cold!