10 tips for traveling peacefully with a baby

The holidays are approaching and you dread traveling with your newborn baby? Don’t panic, there are some simple tips you can use to spend the next few hours on a plane, car or train stress-free with baby.

As young parents, we all fear, for the most part, the first trip with baby. He or she is still too small, you do not know if he or she will be able to sleep in transport, you are afraid that he or she will start to cry during the 5 hours on the road that you have. In short, going on vacation for the first time with a newborn baby requires a certain organization But it is not impossible.

First of all, know thata toddler usually adapts easily to changes. A trip should therefore not scare him, on the contrary. In principle, he just needs his mum or dad by his side, ready to cuddle him, but also to eat his fill, to be comfortable and to sleep well. The rest is often incidental. Trust yourself, you are the best people to meet the needs of your little one. To reassure you, here are some tips for traveling peacefully with a baby:

Choosing the right destination

With a young child, it is better to focus on certain age-appropriate destinations, that is to say, do not venture out or else only for a few days in a country where the climate is too harsh, too cold or too hot. Also pay attention to jet lag, it should not be too large, so as not to disturb the rhythm of the child. Also pay attention to health risks and political risks. For a baby, the vacation destination must be safe.

Promote short journeys

You know, a little bit of sleep is very important. When traveling, it is therefore essential to keep your daily habits as much as possible. This avoids trips by car, plane, train or boat that are too long (all day).

Travel at night

try leave in the early afternoon during his nap, or at the start of the evening when night has fallen. Your child will use the trip to sleep. And you will be a little more serene knowing that he is asleep. Traveling at night also makes it easier to adapt to a jet lag.

When to take breaks with a baby

If you are going by car for several hours, the journey should be punctuated by several breaks to recharge your batteries, get some fresh air and stretch your legs. In general, it is advisable to take a break at least every two hours.

In a train, you can of course get up and take a few steps in the spaces at the entrance to the compartment. You can also enjoy taking a ride with your toddler in a bar car.

The choice of car seat

If you are traveling by car, choose a car seat adapted to the size and weight of your child for reasons, you might expect, of security. The seat should also be comfortable enough for the baby. Therefore, prefer seats made of memory foam, wide and padded shoulder straps as well as a well-encompassing headrest (to be taken into account of course depending on the type of car seat).

To travel light

To avoid being too crowded, and for your child to be comfortable enough, it is preferable to travel light. Don’t overload yourself with unnecessary items or accessories that take up space. Born take the essentials, especially in the changing bag. Soft toy, blanket or a thin blanket, first aid kit, bottle, diapers, wipe, hat or sunglasses if the weather permits and that’s it.

Provide practical travel attire

So that the child is very comfortable during a trip, the choice of his outfit is important. Choose two outfits, including a spare, very practical as a pajama jumpsuit. Also take a good look at the composition of the clothes, do not take fabrics that are too hot or too breathable. Favor noble materials such as cotton, even thick if the outside temperatures are still cool.

Also consider a small jacket or waistcoat if you stop to take breaks outside during your commute.

Activities to keep baby busy

In transport to go on vacation, a baby can quickly get bored and squawk, which you dread so much. To avoid this, before leaving you have to think about prepare some activities and toys to occupy your little one during the journey.

  • His faithful blanket
  • CDs or a playlist of nursery rhymes
  • A sensory ball made of fabrics for him to chew on. If she has a little bell it is better, it will amuse her a little more.
  • Her favorite toy, if it’s not too bulky

The baby carrier

Make no mistake, the baby carrier can be very useful for carrying baby and keeping him close to you, if it happens that you get on the train or the plane. Some airlines do not accept strollers as cabin baggage. It is better to take precautions. A baby wrap can be just as useful.

Read also : Product recall: beware, this baby carrier has a major safety problem

The essential bottle

Even if our eyes are riveted on the landscapes or the road, we must not forget to hydrate your child very regularly. For that, we do not forget the essential bottle. But no need to take the big pot of powdered milk. Plan in advance the doses of milk, and a bottle of water. And if you don’t want to burden yourself with that, you can also very well make a thermos with infant milk for example.

Also think about reusable water bottles, which you can fill with compote or soup for a quick snack.

With all of these tips and tricks, there is no reason your trip will go wrong. And don’t forget, stay zen, your children will be too!

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