100 decorative ideas for a baby's room

If you are going to give birth soon or if you are thinking of redesigning your baby's room, you have come to the right place! We will give you tips and ideas for making a functional and pretty nursery for your baby.

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Cuddly toys, cradles, soft rugs and other night lights in the shape of animals: faced with the plethora of headaches that abound in baby stores, you end up not knowing what to take. Worse, you can even quickly find your arms overloaded with small decorative objects that are too crisp. How to decorate the baby's room?

A functional baby room above all

Nursery should be soothing and cute, that's a fact. But above all, it must be functional. Night awakenings, diapers to change, breastfeeding or bottles at 2 am: it is better to avoid getting your toes caught in a piece of furniture when you still have your eyes half closed.

So, before falling for decorative objects, think about essentials essential in a baby's room such as the cradle, the changing table, the bin for dirty diapers and the comfortable chair for breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.

To save as much space as possible, consider assessing the size of the baby's room and choosing suitable furniture. Some changing tables are retractable and serve as a chest of drawers, some cradles are upgradeable: in short, if the baby nursery is small, bet on multi-functions.

A baby's room that gives pride of place to safety

Baby is unaware of the dangerousness of certain elements around him and tends to put everything in his mouth. It is therefore up to you to secure its environment. Avoid mobiles with miniature parts that can come loose, hide electrical outlets with suitable protections, do not leave small objects lying around within reach of your hands: this is not the most fun part of decorating the bedroom. baby, but it is essential.

Once these two prerequisites have been completed, you can start decorating baby's room!

Pick a theme and stick to it

In order for the nursery to be decoratively coherent, you need to choose a theme. So ask yourself a few questions: Which colors do you want to bet on, soft colors or bright colors? Are you more aquatic animals, jungle animals, dolls, kawaii or racing cars?

Once the theme is chosen, you will see it more clearly and it will be easier for you to select the decorative elements for your baby's room.

Dress up the walls of the nursery

Instead of painting the nursery walls in a solid color, how about making a mural? Rabbits, little sheep, jungle animals or even a scene from a Disney film: more original and less seen, this option is just as cute for the nursery.

You can either make the pattern yourself using a giant sticker or an overhead projector allowing you to outline the outlines, or ask a professional to do it for you.

Personalize the nursery

The monogram is the hot new trend for baby rooms. Bath towels, furniture, wall suspensions: consider putting your baby's initials or even your baby's first name on some decorative elements.

Very easy to achieve with a stencil and paint, it will personalize his room and make it unique.

Other option: your baby's birthstone or astrological sign that you can use as a decorative object.

Bet on soft decorative items

Baby is easily impressionable! So, avoid decorative objects that are a little too sensational and favor those with more reassuring rounded contours such as round cuddly toys or small night lights. For the latter, play on originality by opting for a model in the shape of a mushroom, a sheep or even a cloud.

Out of ideas for decorating your baby's room? Quickly discover our selection of the prettiest nurseries spotted on Pinterest!

To read also: Pretty posters for the kids room