12 tricks you should keep in mind on every city trip

Seldom do you immerse yourself so deeply in another culture as on a city trip. You let yourself drift through strange alleys and be carried away into another life for a short time. How about if I lived here? Would I always sit in this café to have my morning coffee? Would I already know the barista? Or maybe I would even be his colleague to earn a little extra money?

These dreams come to mind as we stroll through new streets, discover small shops and large squares. But we can only allow ourselves this little journey of thought if we really get involved in a new city. And let's be honest: this happens far too rarely on a city trip.

Why city trips are perfect to clear your head

More often we return after a city trip, usually fully loaded with new impressions – but also very exhausted from the weight of the memory backpack. So it happens that after a trip in a city we often feel ready for a vacation again. We were only just off – and were gone. But is that why you don't go on a city trip? Under no circumstance!

City trips are actually just the right thing to clear your head: Because the experiences of a city trip usually shape us for a long time beyond the period and thus also create holiday feelings in everyday life. Again and again, images and sensory impressions appear in our minds – and remind us of what we liked so much in a strange city.

A city trip can be both: exciting and relaxing. All you have to do is follow a few little tricks – and avoid common mistakes. We'll reveal why you shouldn't pack the next few days of a city trip full of sightseeing to-dos and what you should do instead. Relaxation preprogrammed!