13 foods that make parents’ lives easier

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13 foods that make parents’ lives easier

© AleksandarNakic/Getty Images

All of our lives are often stressful, and those of parents even more so. To minimize at least one stress factor, our author reveals which foods are best to always have at home.

1. Coffee, coffee, coffee (milk and sugar)

We don’t really need to say much, do we? The only important thing is: always have a new pack Have supplies in your cupboard!

2. Apple juice

Yes, there is also a lot of sugar in juice, but apple juice spritzer is probably one of the most popular drinks among children. And if you start early enough, you can dilute the juice so much that it almost only tastes like water and the children will still be happy. In the end, it’s the dose that makes the poison.

3. Cereal

Healthy, uncomplicated and quick breakfast that you can put on the table the night before and that is suitable for all age groups, so even the little ones can fill their bowls on their own. If you want to save yourself the hassle of vacuuming afterwards, simply prepare overnight oats the night before.

4. Apples and cucumber

Healthy snacks to enjoy between meals. Most children like to eat one of the two.

5. Cookies and pretzels

Well, a cookie every now and then is ok, you can buy them organic and with little sugar. The same applies to pretzels, only with less salt or, even better, with sesame. They are great when you get really hungry on the playground and can hardly bear it. Likewise the screaming. And teenagers are usually happy to have something to nibble on when friends come over.

6. Gummy bears

We think it’s okay to have a sweet every now and then… as a means of pressure when the rubbish needs to be taken away quickly, the apple needs to be eaten or the room needs to be tidied up. Good exchange deal, right? And yes, of course that shouldn’t be the currency, but sometimes the jacket and shoes can be put on quicker if there’s a small reward. In contrast to chocolate, rubber toys also make less mess.

7. Sect

Yes, champagne! Sometimes it helps better than food for the nerves when the small child takes everything in the defiant phase or the teenager is in a moderate crisis. It’s even more fun if you share the bottle of champagne with a fellow sufferer. Then everything is only half as bad. But please don’t overdo it, otherwise it might be even worse afterwards!

8. Noodles

The saviors among foods. Quick to make, edible at any time and you can always find something to serve with it. In an emergency, ketchup and cheese.

9. Fish fingers

Similar to noodles. Cooking with very little effort. By the way, we always just throw the little sticks in the oven instead of in the pan, because they require almost no supervision, they don’t drip with fat and they still taste good.

10. Fries

After all, you need something to go with the fish fingers… Or just because there’s no time to cook, the fridge is empty but the day is very busy.

11. Baking mix

One for all cases. If the in-laws show up at the door unannounced, friends spontaneously invite each other over for coffee, or the teenage child brings visitors home. You can always score points with cake. If in doubt, the finished one from the freezer or in a bag will do. The main thing is that you have something to offer and it requires little stress and time.

12. Popcorn

For spontaneous film evenings with family, friends or alone. Depending on the age of the child and the taste of the parents, you can enjoy it salty, slightly to very sweet or buttery.

13. Lavender tea

For the inner center and the days when your nerves are on edge but schnapps somehow seems inappropriate.


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