16% of loans guaranteed by the State already fully repaid

A total of 16% of companies having taken out a loan guaranteed by the State (PGE) to deal with the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis have already repaid it in full, announced Nicolas Thry, president of Crdit Mutuel and the French Banking Federation (FBF).

By way of comparison, the 25,000 to 30,000 companies which have difficulties and could see their payments leveled or their first reimbursement deferred, according to the new measures announced by the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, represent 34% of the companies having subscribed to a PGE, recalled Mr. Thry Tuesday evening at the microphone of France Info.

We are talking about companies which, in particular in the sector of events, tourism, school trips, sports halls, have difficulties because of Omicron. But we must not forget also that the French economy is doing well, he wanted to reassure.

For the remaining 80%, repayments are or will be made at a normal rate.

The loan period guaranteed by the State means a little more than a day and a half of turnover per month from next April, which should not pose any problems for the overwhelming majority of companies, says Nicolas Thry.

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Some 697,000 companies, 90% of which are VSEs and SMEs, have contracted an EMP since March 2020, for a total outstanding amount of 143 billion euros.

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