2.2 per mille – Alcoholic driver causes accident with children on board

A serious traffic accident occurred on Saturday afternoon in Wals near Salzburg. A drunken driver drove into a German car driver. The alcohol driver had two minor children in the vehicle.

The two children, an eight-year-old boy and a ten-year-old girl, were picked up unharmed by the ex-wife of the 43-year-old German at the scene of the accident. The alcohol test resulted in a value of 2.2 per mille for the handlebars. The other car driver, a 32-year-old German, was not affected. The rear-end collision occurred in Wals-Himmelreich around 4:50 p.m. There was property damage. The police officers prohibited the alcohol driver from continuing to drive. He had to hand in his keys and driver’s license. He is shown.
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